How To Write a First Class Essay

It does not matter whether you are in high school or college, you need to have strong skills, essay writing skills precisely, to secure better grades. Essay writing can be a daunting task if you have not prepared well or if you do not have access to the right material to compose a first-class essay.

There is a false mystery surrounding this idea. Many students believe that it is an innate ability, an art form to string words together in a meaningful way. In reality, anyone can master how to get a first in an essay.

Still, if you are not up for the challenge, just ask: write my essay for me!

Are you having a hard time securing the highest marks? You can come to just the place! Our professional writers can help you with first-class essays on any given topic. Contact us now!

First Class Essay Definition

There is no denying that writing is subjective but we can gauge its effectiveness through the set goals behind its rationale. At first, the term “first-class essay” may seem ambiguous, but there is a concrete number and characteristics attached to it.

Normally, for an essay to be considered first-class, it needs to score at least 70% or higher. In some institutions, the minimum criteria for an essay to be called first-class require it to score 75% or higher.

That’s why many students find it particularly hard to get to this number. Although it is a fairly higher number, with practice and a fair approach, anyone can learn how to write a first class essay.

The Structure of 1st Class Essay

The most striking and obvious thing about a 1st class essay through which it can be easily distinguished is its structure. It would not be an overstatement to say that the structure of an essay is everything.

It gives the information flow and makes it meaningful in academic writing. The best part about the structure of an essay is that it makes it readily accessible for readers to understand the viewpoint of the writer. That’s the reason many instructors put a lot of stress on nailing the structure of the essay. Everything else follows naturally.

Following are three main pillars of the structure of a 1st class essay:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion

Now, let’s take a look at each of the components of a first class essay in detail.


In simple terms, the introduction of an essay is composed to give a gist of what the whole essay is about. This part sheds some light on the background of the context, as well as its aims and questions that you want to answer.

If someone strongly wants to write a first class law essay, it is best to pay extra attention to the introduction.

main parts of introduction in a first-class essay
  • It should explain the main focal point of the essay
  • It should state the thesis statement to understand what is the argument writer is going to make
  • It should be brief and concise but should not lack essential information to set the stage

Essentially, you should give a summary of what readers should expect in the succeeding parts of the essay. Also, even in the introduction, it is best to detail how the essay will be structured for the sake of the readers.

The examiner will readily understand your command of writing and how you articulate your arguments logically in a first class essay.


The body of the essay constitutes a large portion in quantity as in all academic writing. It may consist of several paragraphs and subheadings. This section deals with answering or explaining your thesis statement in detail.

body of a first-class essay

There is no set rule for the number of paragraphs in this section to write a first class university essay, but it is always in your best interest to go for quality over quantity. To maintain relevance and coherence, always aim to discuss a single point or argument in each paragraph.

Generally, the body of an essay deals with explaining or answering a question put forward in the introduction part.

Additionally, revising the thesis statement according to the pace and content of the body helps in achieving maximum scores.


In a nutshell, the conclusion of an essay is an antithesis of the introduction. As what latter opens it up for debate, the former summarizes the results. To compose a great essay, the conclusion should not only discuss the key findings of the essay in question but also shed light on its effects on a broader canvas.

first-class essay conclusion writing tips

A conclusion should be concise and touch all the bases, including;

  • What is already published about your subject topic
  • What your research revealed
  • How do they both fit in the current literature of your field

There is no shame in confessing any shortcomings your research might have because of any limitations, as long as you address them in the concluding remarks as in the final sentence. this is necessary to get a first in an essay.

Steps to Write a First Class Essay

When you get to the brass tacks, writing a first-class essay is not an insurmountable task. It takes patience, practice, and complete control over the process to write a top-class essay.

Here is the rundown of the steps that you must follow:

  • Preparation
  • Writing
  • Proofreading & Editing


If you ask great scholars and writers of essays about the most crucial step of essay writing, they will tell you that it is preparation. Before you start to write, it is essential to gather all the relevant information, tools, a reading list, and a road map to avoid unnecessary stress.

In terms of preparation for a world-class essay, the following are the necessary ingredients:

  • Topic Selection
  • Resource Gathering
  • Thesis Statement
  • The Outline

For a college student, all of these steps are self-explanatory, including secondary sources and first class essay examples. If they want to score first-class marks, they need to consider preparation concerning all these indicators.


After going through preparation, it is time to sit down and write what you have prepared in the first place for a good essay. The writing of the first draft can be hectic, as it will come out full of errors and inconsistencies.

The best way to ace the writing part is to divide it into several parts and days. Instead of going all out, this will help you in getting down what is relatively better than bad writing.

While writing, it is best to pay not much heed to;

  • Word count
  • Structure
  • Writing Technique
  • Grammar

Stopping every time to rectify errors in any of these categories will cost you time. Not to mention it will disturb your flow of thoughts and how you are putting them down on paper.

All of these issues will be dealt with in the upcoming section.

Proofreading & Editing

When you are done with the first draft, it is time to set your manuscript aside for a while. This will help you in having a clear and fresh perspective of your writing and ideas.

Proofreading and editing consist of multiple steps and phases. It will be in your best interest to go as slowly and mindfully as possible to avoid leaving mistakes in the content.

Following are things you must look out for and rectify in this stage of essay writing:

  • Grammatical Errors
  • Structural Flaws
  • Inconsistent References

Once you are done with editing, set the essay aside once again. Before the due date of submitting your essay, go through it once again and check for any issues.

If all seems well, you should submit the essay for evaluation.

Tips on Writing First Class Essays

After describing and explaining the steps of a great essay, it is only natural to go through some of the top tips on writing first-class essays. When you are learning and trying to improve your writing, every little thing counts.

How To Write a First Class, Image 1

So, these are the things that can help you in honing your writing skills faster:

  • Check Marking Scheme
  • Pick Essay Questions Wisely
  • Go Through Quality Resources & References
  • Tweak Essay Structure
  • Exude Depth of Knowledge
  • Limit The Quotes

Check Marking Scheme

Professors often explain the marking scheme and points criteria for an essay. It helps students in understanding individual scores of a section. Checking out the marking scheme before writing sets priorities straight.

Pick Essay Question Wisely

Essentially, an essay can be as good as its essay question or its thesis statement. That’s why it is best to go through multiple sources before picking up your essay question wisely.

Go Through Quality Resources & References

Before turning in your essay, it is best to go through all the credible resources and references. This helps you to ensure whether all of the sources are of the highest quality and most familiar with the academic fraternity.

Tweak Essay Structure

If you are aiming for first-class scores for your essay, it is crucial to structure your essay according to the best writing practices. Make sure to follow the fluidity and overall natural flow of the information.

Exude Depth of Knowledge

Essays are written with the intent to show the maximum depth of knowledge. The main aim is to show the examiner that you have complete command over the subject of the essay.

Limit The Quotes

Too many quotations and paraphrasing can put a big question mark on the originality as well as the credibility of your essay. The most appropriate way to go about it is to keep the quotes at the minimum and ensure that all references are in line with your arguments.

What Makes A Bad First Class Essay?

When you are aiming for a first-class essay or any other form of academic writing, it is best to know your target audience. In this case, it is the examiner or other scholars. Every examiner has his or her priorities and anglers. In many cases, they point out what they want to see and what you should avoid making your essay bad.

Before submitting your essay, it is best to go through all the aspects of your essay and ensure that all things coincide with their do’s and don’ts sections.

Here is the rundown of some aspects that you must avoid to get a first class grade:

  • Inadequate Planning & Research
  • Frail Essay Structure
  • Poor Attempts To Address The Essay Question
  • Absence of Clear & Concise Thesis Statement
  • Off-Topic Content
  • Shortcomings in Critical Analysis
  • Poor Development of Ideas

During the proofreading and editing phase, writers can point out these drawbacks of their writing and replace them with the elements that will make them great essays.

What Makes A Great First Class Essay?

In contrast to the things that make a bad essay, there are best practices that can help an undergraduate student achieve exceptional scores. It is best to take these things as a “checklist”. In this way, they can check the merits of their essays before turning them in for evaluation.

Following are some of the things that show right away that it is indeed a great essay:

  • Display of Diverse Knowledge And Deep Understanding of Materials
  • Comprehensive Answer To Thesis Questions
  • Rigid Essay Structure With Proper Headings And Subheadings
  • Authentic Analysis And Criticism of The Subject
  • Strong Knowledge of Debate Around Topic In Question
  • Independent Thought Process

When an essay shows these practices in its content, examiners readily understand the level of a writer. That’s why you can always find one or a combination of these virtues in great essays.


Getting first class essay certificates is not a tough nut to crack, especially when someone has such a detailed guide. From planning to research, writing, and editing, each step has been discussed with great earnestness to help students secure maximum marks.

Still, the key lies in practice and patience. The best way to go about learning how to write a great essay is by practicing the craft each day and letting the excellence come in naturally. This way, when they start writing the next essay, they will be able to write a first class essay every single time. This is a sure-fire way to make a habit of getting first class grades in college for essay writing.

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