How to Write an Essay About Why I Want to Go to College?

What Is an Essay About Why I Want to Go to College?

When you are nearing the end of your high school life, one of the questions you should think about is why do you want to go to college. Many students wish to pursue their dream and build their careers, and many want to finish college and get a job to help their families. Students have different reasons why they want to enter a university. Indeed, when applying, one of the requirements is an essay about why you want to go to college. Aside from taking entrance examinations, papers or college application essays are one way the school filter deserving candidates to be nurtured under their care.

Importance of Why I Want to Go to College Essay

               Writing this type of essay will test your writing skills to the limit. You do not have to flawless, but they are looking for gifts that fit their college or university. They are looking for quality writing. The importance of these essays is that it pursues students to develop and hone their skills in writing. It helps students develop their communication skills and be able to convey their messages concisely. Not only that, college application essays help students revisit their goals in life. This is where they make a big decision on the steps they want to take. The journey of studying in a university will be a long and hard one. Wise decisions are a must.

How to Get the Best Essay on The Topic “Why I Want to Go to College?”

               “Why do you want to attend this college” essay is not an essay write-up. There will be thousands of hopeful applicants submitting the essay as you do. It would be best if you stood out in order for you to get picked. Generic answers will get you nowhere. Even though it is an application essay, it is also helpful that you get the emotional side of your readers. You also have to sound smart to be deserving of a spot in a prestigious college. If this sounds too much for you, a professional writing service helps you write your college essay. is a multiple writing services that can handle you with all your writing needs. From making your class essay, lab reports, research papers to your college essays, they can take it from you. If you want your essay to stand out, they can make it happen.

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Catchy Titles for an Essay About Why I Want to Go to College?

               Do not title your essay “why do I want to go to college?” for your application because it sounds boring. A good title should get your readers’ attention, and this will make them want to read the entire paper. If you have a hard time deciding a title, here are some examples of catchy titles you may want to use in your college application essays.

  • New experiences up ahead
  • The beginning of an end
  • Building bridges for a better tomorrow
  • A small (girl or boy) with a big dream
  • Unlimited possibilities
  • A golden opportunity
  • One chance of a lifetime
  • An exciting adventure
  • A way to reshape the future
  • The road to success

How to Start an Essay About Why I Want to Go to College?

Outline Writing

  1. Introduction
    • Start with a hook to get the attention of your readers. You can use a quote or a short narrative to do so.
    • State an overview of your main idea. This will help your audience know what to expect in the discussion part.
  2. Main Body
    • State with the topic sentence.
    • Discuss your insights in a clear and concise manner.
    • Repeat this format depending on how many essential points you have for your discussion.
  3. Conclusion
    • Restate the main idea of your paper
    • Summarize all your key points and tie them all together
    • Close your essay with an impactful statement

Tips Concerning About an Essay Introduction

An introduction should make your readers want to read the rest of your paper. That is why it should be interesting. To do that, you can use a quote or narrate a personal short story. It should be relevant to studying at the university and your application. An introduction should be brief so remember when you use stories or anecdotes; make sure to cut them short when narrating them.

How to Write Body Paragraphs?

When writing an application, the fundamental guide question is, “why do you want to attend this college?” Brainstorm your ideas revolving around this question. It is better to note the things you want to include in your essay that add new information every time it pops out of your head. Indeed, you have many reasons why you want to attend the university but remember only to include things relevant to your application process.

How to Write a Conclusion for An Essay About Why I Want to Go to College?

               A good essay should leave an impact on the readers. This is a must for college applications. When your paper stands out, you will be admitted to the program you choose. The conclusion is when you have the opportunity to leave a mark on your audience. Use strong words to convey your point. This is where you convince them why you are the best fit for the university you are applying for.

Finalizing Essay

               An essay on why I want to go to college should be flawless. You have to sound intelligent and know what you are doing, so there is little room for error when writing your college application essays. Always make sure to run down your articles before submitting them. Edit, review, and proofread. You can read it aloud or let others read it for you. If you want your paper to be flawless, you can always go to professional writing services. They also offer to edit your essay. These are professional writers that will handle your paper; surely, they won’t miss the mark. If you want something free, applications on the internet such as Grammarly will help you spot your errors and fix them for you. You will be done in no time with a perfect essay in hand. There are many ways to edit your work; remember not to skip this step. The last thing you need is an error-plagued essay for your college application.

Short Example of an Essay About Why I Want to Go to College

               To jumpstart ideas for your applications, here is a sample essay on why I want to go to this college you can use as a guide for your writing process:

Why I Want to Go to College Essay (500 words)

To be the helping hand that others need.

               It was a peaceful night in 2009 when everybody was fast asleep, recharging to face a new day. Sometime before midnight struck, strong winds started to blow, and rain began to fall. No news came that day that a heavy storm would hit our town. With everyone asleep, no one was aware that the water level was rapidly rising. In the middle of the night, we awoke by sounds of metal clashing outside just to realize the wind was more robust and the rain was harsh, and the flood was high. Things were swept away in the muddy waters until people living in the low houses begin to climb their rooftops for safety. The electricity was cut off, and the nightmare began. Almost half of our town was submerged in water, stuck on the rooftop with nothing but a hope that rescuers come.

               My dad was a rescuer, and in no time, hundreds of people required help. As a little girl, I cannot do anything but watch in horror people drowning and people getting hurt as my dad carried them one by one on the boat to a safe place. It was that night that I decide to help people when the time is right. I wanted to help the people in need with my skills. It breaks my little heart to know that they are in pain with no one to take care of them. Being a doctor was not the first of my choice. But in our small town, no one was there of use when we needed them than most. Many died from a lack of help. That is why I decided I wanted to be the doctor that one day will save our town.

               To be a great doctor, I want to be trained by the best of the best, and I know your university can give me the training I am looking for. In this country, your school is number when it comes to health-related fields, and you made many nurses and doctors compare to other schools. Your brand of quality educations will surely hone me to the best of my abilities. It will be an honor to nurture my skills under your roof. I will work hard and do my best to overcome all adversities to show you my gratitude if ever I am admitted to your school.

               My dream to be a helping hand to other starts with your university. I hope you accept my application for the pre-medicine program Bachelor of Science in Bio-Chemistry.

               Here is a sample essay of a student who wants to apply for a pre-medicine program at a university. If you’re going to make a good college application essay, start writing now. You still have time to improve your writing skills before the submission day comes. Make sure to follow our tips and tricks! Good luck on your college journey! 

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