How To Write a Masters Essay

One of the highest academic qualifications is a Master’s degree. Essay writing at this stage is more complex and evidence-based. Originality and a broader scope of work are what matter the most. Professors and supervisors are usually stricter at this stage. They critically judge each part of your writing. Writing a Master’s essay is essential to getting the degree in time. Your grades are based on this writing. You get the best references for the future if you perform well at this stage. Your essays for a master’s degree are different from those at the undergraduate level because they summarize your academic journey over all these years.

What is a Master’s?

Compared with a Bachelor’s or Ph.D., a Master’s is a much shorter degree. Most of the Master’s programs are one to two years long. It is like a bridge between a bachelor’s and a postgraduate certificate in education or a Ph.D. degree. It can be a qualification in itself though. Unlike Undergraduate degrees, Master’s degrees run all year long. The main categories of Master’s programs are:

  • 1. Master of Arts (MA)
  • 2. Master of Sciences (MSc)
  • 3. Master of Engineering (MEng)
  • 4. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • 5. Master of Law (LLM)                          
  • 6. Master of Enterprise (MEnt)
  • 7. Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

There are two primary forms of Master’s degrees:

Taught Masters. These programs are modular. They feature a wide range of optional modules. Students need to choose modules on their own. Final research work is required at the end of the course. That they usually produce by the last semester.

Research Masters. These are like PhDs in format and structure. No optional modules are there to choose from. Students have to come up with their research ideas. They must compile a detailed dissertation by the end of the degree. These dissertations are usually much longer than Taught Masters dissertations. These degrees are mostly MPhil or MRes (Masters by Research) degrees.

What is a Master’s Level Essay?

Masters-level essay writing requires more complex ideas. Analyzing and scripting them at a greater depth and length. To write an essay at master’s level doesn’t mean sounding more academic. It doesn’t require using complex statements to impress your supervisors. What it does mean is to communicate progressive ideas in a much simpler way. All you need to do is learn the basics of how to write a master’s essay. You require proper planning, good structuring, and literature referencing. It will help you get a good essay with a longer word count.

The selection of relevant evidence is also essential. Utilize this evidence with thorough interpretation and analysis. Most important is to have a clear understanding of what you are doing. Adding irrelevant evidence or vague quotations will take you nowhere. You need to take a step back and understand what your writing is all about.

Mastering The Art of Writing a Masters Essay

You must put independent thought into the essay question and practice critical thinking while understanding the knowledge related to the topic.

How to Structure a Master’s Essay?

A Master’s essay is not an undergraduate-level essay. You cannot write a pros and cons essay and get over it. You need to make a sound and clear point (for or against). Justify it with proper evidence and relevant arguments. Your opinion is critical at this stage. Here’s a format you need to follow to structure your essay for masters degree:

I. Introduction

  • Introduce your point with very generic statements and arguments about the world.
  • Mention your topic in a precise manner.
  • Make points against your topic to present both sides of the argument. It is an optional step.
  • Share your ideas and opinions regarding the arguments you made.

II. Body

  • Mention your first argument
    • Mention your first argument.
    • Describe the reason if required.
    • Provide proper evidence against the argument you presented.
    • State another example or evidence against your argument. It is an optional step.
    • Clearly explain how the evidence supports your argument and opinion.
  • Mention your second argument
    • Describe the reason if required.
    • Provide proper evidence against the argument you presented.
    • State another example or evidence against your argument. It is an optional step.
    • Clearly explain how the evidence supports your argument and opinion.

III. Conclusion

  • Describe your main idea again. Very precisely.
  • Refer to the pieces of evidence you shared and opposite opinions if required.
  • Explain how your arguments relate to the real world, and these results help.
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How to Start a Master’s Essay?

Essay introductions can vary depending upon the disciplines and topics. In some cases, you need to give complete background and context of the matter. While some require very little context and others may require none at all.

There are three primary purposes of an introduction to the essay:

  1. To set the background.
  2. To state the importance of your opinions and arguments related to a topic.
  3. To state what your essay is all about. This is also referred to as signposting.

There are five main elements that a standard introduction contains:

  • A brief statement that explains the topic and builds the interest of the reader.
  • The background of the study.
  • Important abbreviations and definitions that are part of your essay.
  • An outline of key facts, issues, arguments, theories, and any other information you may require. You can also mention different opinions and arguments over your selected topic.
  • Few final statements that describe the aim of your study.

How to End a Master’s Essay?

A conclusion never contains any kind of new information. It has usually three main purposes:

  • States the importance of your essay.
  • Gives an answer after thorough analysis and interpretation of all arguments and evidence.
  • It states how you acquired the answer.

There’s no need to repeat anything. The conclusion usually comprises one paragraph. It combines all the key findings.

What Should You Include to Write Essays for Master’s Degree? – The must-have list

This is the list of things that must be present in an M-level essay:

Independent Ideology

People are aware of the existing theories and research frameworks. You need to present to the world your school of thought. You need to explain how your essay fills the gaps. Use credible resources to support and demonstrate your position.

Scope of the study

You need to be more innovative throughout your Master’s degree. You have to come up with ideas no one has ever worked on. Relate those ideas to the real world and see how beneficial your study is to your respective field and industry.

Well-Defined Structure

Build a mind map first. The reader should be able to understand how your discussion develops. Your essay should have an elaborated and well-defined structure. Break your essay in a step-by-step manner where both you and your readers don’t have to re-read anything to understand what is written. To get top marks, you must avoid any spelling mistakes.

Research skills

Your research skill set should go beyond reading lists provided by supervisors. Take an initiative to find your own sources. Use the internet, search libraries, look for relevant journals, and follow the footnotes. 

Follow the academic conventions

At a Masters’s level degree, you should be well aware of idea attribution, proper referencing, and a detailed approach to research. Minor errors can affect the credibility of your research.

Strong Conceptualization

Read between the lines and conceptualize your study better. Link different concepts together to build a more comprehensive approach. You have to focus on the subject of the assignment and explore different sides of the debate before reaching conclusions.

Results & Implications of the study

Essay writing at the Master’s level requires you to describe the academic contribution of your study. You need to mention the practical implications of your research. Provide proper recommendations at the end.

Tips for Success

Follow these simple tips and tricks to succeed in writing a masters level essay:

1. Research works come with a clear question. It needs to be answered properly. If you don’t answer the question, it nullifies all your efforts. If the question asks for your opinion, make sure you give your opinion.

2. State complex ideas in easy-to-understand sentences. There are fewer grammatical mistakes in short and simple sentences.

3. Your essay should have a proper introduction, body, and conclusion. All your arguments and reasoning should be stated in a well-defined structure.

4. Your essay should have a thesis statement. It states your opinion on the subject. It makes it easier for the reader to understand the key points of your study.

5. Topic sentences are very important. It gives an idea of what the whole paragraph is about. It also supports your thesis statement.

6. It is important to learn conditionals before you write your essay. First, second and third conditionals are helpful in expressing your arguments and reasoning.

7. Avoid using conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence.

8. Logically use connecting phrases and transitional words.

These are some of the guidelines that will help a student write a perfect essay for a master’s. Follow these step-to-step guides to learn the basics and succeed in academia.

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