Essay Writing Guide: Why Am I So Slow At Writing Essays?

Essay writing is a fundamental skill that a student must develop throughout their time in school. Students must write well-researched and structured essays that provoke thought at all educational levels, from high school to university. Producing an academic essay might be an intimidating endeavor for many pupils. Students frequently encounter various obstacles when writing academic essays, ranging from deciding on a topic to correctly structuring the final piece.

Selecting an appropriate topic represents one of the most critical challenges students must overcome. Many students need help conceiving an engaging, pertinent topic that falls within the project’s parameters. Students frequently end up wasting time and becoming frustrated since they need help to select an appropriate topic on which to write.

The task of conducting research is another obstacle that students must overcome. Composing an academic essay needs substantial research, and it can be challenging for students to locate reputable sources and collect material pertinent to the topic. In addition, most students need help synthesizing the information they have obtained, which results in a disconnected and poorly written essay.

Composing an academic essay necessitates following specific formatting guidelines, which is another component that students may find challenging. The margins, font size, and citation styles required of your work may vary depending on the university you are attending and the professor you are working with. Students might need help understanding this and wasting a lot of time attempting to get the formatting precisely correct, which could take them many hours.

In addition to this, pupils could have trouble articulating their thoughts in a way that is both consistent and effective. They may need help with grammar, sentence structure, or vocabulary, which can result in a poorly written essay that fails to convey the writer’s ideas.

Furthermore, students often need help managing their time well, which is a huge issue. Finding the time to sit down and compose an essay when you have a lot of homework, extracurricular, and other commitments might be difficult. Students who feel pressed for time may produce an essay that exceeds expectations.

Writing an academic essay is a difficult assignment involving thorough planning, substantial research, and strong writing abilities. Students must overcome several challenges, such as selecting a topic, performing analysis, properly structuring the essay, understandably articulating their views, and efficiently managing their time. For students to be successful in their academic writing pursuits, it is essential for them to have a solid understanding of these obstacles and to develop efficient ways to overcome them.

Another common area students need help with while writing their essays is their writing speed. Often the search queries are filled with questions like;

Why Am I So Slow At Writing Essays?

You cannot expect to succeed academically if you spend all your time huddled in a nook of the library or cooped up in your room doing essays. You will be passing up some of the most exciting opportunities to grow personally and socially that you should have while you are still in college. If you let the pros at Write My Essay For Me assist you with your projects, you will have more time to spend with your friends and engage in more fascinating personal activities.

You should always strive to finish an essay within a reasonable time frame, regardless of the subject matter. Even if some students learn quickly and others more slowly, if you take too much time on a single assignment, your mind and body will need more time to relax so that you can move on to the next one. You also need to meet deadlines and pay attention to other obligations that need your attention. When writing an essay, your goal should always be to accomplish it in the shortest time possible.

However, why are you moving at such a snail’s pace, and is there anything you can do to speed up? Here are some reasons why you are moving slowly when writing your essay, as well as potential solutions that you might try to speed up your work.

You Do Not Possess A Strategy

You started producing your essay without making any outline or strategy right after it was assigned to you. Essays are academic commitments that demand in-depth planning on the student’s part. It will be simpler, go quicker, and be higher quality if you plan it out beforehand, just like any other activity.

The planning of academic work requires taking into account three different perspectives.


The essay’s completion will require some time on your part. You will also need a significant amount of time to finish the essay. In addition, you need to satisfy the deadline for the submission. Hence, the kind of experience writing essays you will have will be determined by your plan for your time.

Find the most productive period of the day to write your paper. Check your schedule and set aside some time for the various aspects of writing, such as reviewing the relevant material, drafting the essay, and editing it. You allow time for the paper considering its urgency and the effort required to finish it. Put in the sufficient, high-quality time to work on the essay so you may complete it in the allotted time.


To finish your essay, what kinds of resources do you need? Reference materials such as books, journals, and articles written for academic purposes are included in the resources. At the same time, you may need to gather data or carry out studies.

Before beginning work on the paper, gathering all of these resources is essential. It’s important to inform your classmates beforehand if you need to consult with or discuss the work with them. Using such blueprints will provide you with an impeccable drawing experience.

Internal Organization

Create an outline of the different sections that will make up your essay. Determine the information or points needed for your paper’s introduction, body, and conclusion. An outline will help you a lot when planning the essay. In addition, you need to determine the sources you will use to support the various points you make in your essay.

You should also establish milestones to finish your work throughout the planning process. You will work more quickly to meet the deadlines and keep track of the amount of time you spend on each part. You can forecast whether or not the essay will be finished before the deadline that has been established.

You Still Need To Accumulate All Of The Necessary Resources

Writing an essay is a form of academic work that needs to use the most credible references possible. Books, educational articles, and scholarly publications are all included in this category. Before writing the first word on your paper, you should gather all the necessary materials.

The goal is to enable you to concentrate on your task for extended periods without interruption. When looking for books, you spend a great deal of time searching for them online or walking to different shelves on different floors. Put everything you need to work on your paper on your desk. It will make it easier for you to concentrate on writing, resulting in a faster completion rate.

Sometimes it is impossible to collect all the materials because you find more as you read. You will also discover information that needs to be added as you progress through the various areas. But, you should be familiar with the locations where you can quickly obtain these reference materials to reduce the time spent looking for other materials.

Another helpful strategy is to separate the paper into various parts. Before moving on to the next, take on one concept at a time to thoroughly explore one set of resources, such as books. Also, it is simpler to complete such sections before the onset of exhaustion. The fact that you can physically see your progress as you complete portions of the page is another source of motivation.

You’ve Gotten Distracted

Can you sit still for at least two to three hours without looking at anyone or anything, including the television, your phone, or even your watch? Your writing pace will rise if you maintain this level of concentration. Also, it results in thoughts that are more interesting and wise.

Get rid of any things that could slow you down. These consist of things like the television, messaging apps, unwanted discussions, and noise from the environment around them. Invest in noise-canceling headphones and a study space that is free of distractions. Everyone in the room should be respectful of your need for silence.

Some of the diversions originate in one’s thoughts. You can always sit down and finish your work, even if you plan to go somewhere or play a game. While typing on the computer, your mind will be focused on something else. Choose a time of day when your thoughts won’t be distracted from the activity. You will be able to write more quickly.

You Have A Problem Comprehending Directions

Do you grasp the nature of the tasks assigned to you? Is it easy to follow? Have you ever worked with formatting before?

Only begin working on tasks after you clearly understand what is required. Because the directions need to be clarified, you will save time because you will bumble around and make mistakes. Talk with your instructor, talk with some friends, or hunt for reliable examples online to help guide you. You may squander all your efforts and yet turn in an incorrect paper that receives a low grade.

Find out what’s causing your slow pace and fix it as soon as possible so you don’t have to worry about late submitting a paper. To improve your speed, get assistance from your instructor or other people in your immediate environment. Having a faster writing pace will be helpful when you’re up against a tight deadline to hand in the paper.

What Can You Do To Write Your Essays More Quickly?

Many students feel overwhelmed when faced with the prospect of writing an essay. It demands a lot of effort, dedication, and patience to accomplish. But cramming multiple essays in a limited amount of time is no picnic. In situations like these, you need to figure out how to speed up the process of writing your essay without sacrificing the quality of your work. The following are some suggestions that can assist you in improving the quality of your essays and increasing the rate at which you write:

Prepare A Detailed Strategy And Arrange Your Thoughts

Organizing your ideas and thoughts logically before beginning to write is essential. Create a plan for your essay by outlining it or creating a mind map of the important themes you want to address. This will assist you in maintaining your focus and preventing you from being mired in the middle of the writing process.

Carry Out Your Research in Advance

The process of producing an essay begins with the gathering of relevant information. Yet, if you do your study ahead of time, you will save yourself some time. Then, compile a list of the books, journals, and websites you’ll need. After then, read the relevant facts and make notes as you go along to support your point.

Set A Limit On Time

Putting a timer on yourself can help you focus and get more done. The timer can be set for 25 minutes, and you can get as much writing done in that period. Take a small break, and then continue with the process until the writing of the essay is complete.

Avoid Being Sidetracked

As you are writing, you should get rid of any potential distractions. Put away your phone, close any tabs that aren’t necessary on your computer, and move your job to a more peaceful location. This will assist you in maintaining focus and enhancing the efficiency of your writing.

Utilize Online Tools

The process of writing can be sped up with the assistance of any number of the various tools that are available online. Grammarly, for instance, can assist you in checking your grammar and spelling. In contrast, Hemingway can assist you in improving the simplicity and readability of your writing.

Compose In Intermittent Bursts

You can boost your productivity by writing for a few minutes at a time. Instead of attempting to compose an entire essay in a single sitting, try breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. If you need help getting started, try focusing on a small chunk of work at a time.

Compose A Draft First

Drafting your ideas first will help you get them down on paper more quickly. It doesn’t need to be flawless, but it should summarize and support your significant points with evidence. You will be able to enhance the overall quality of your work by revising and editing it after you have completed the initial draft.

Make Use Of Templates

You can save yourself some time and effort by using a template. You can structure your essay using one of the many templates that are available online and that you can use. This can free up some mental space for you to concentrate on the essay’s content rather than its presentation.

Take Breaks

Taking pauses is essential for preventing burnout and keeping one’s concentration intact. Stretching, getting some fresh air, and eating a snack should be done during the short pauses you take every 30–60 minutes. Recharging your batteries in this way will help you maintain your productivity.


Lastly, the amount of practice you put in will determine how quickly you can write. You will get used to and more comfortable with the process when you write more. You should set a goal to write a specific number of words daily, and over time, you should steadily increase your output.

To summarize, writing an essay is work that can be difficult and time-consuming at the same time. You may speed up the writing process while maintaining quality using the appropriate tactics and tools. You will be able to create superior essays in a shorter amount of time if you follow these suggestions.

While we are talking about the writing speed for your essays, let us answer another frequently asked question for your ease;

Is It Possible To Write 2000 Words In An Hour?

Yes, it is possible to write 2000 words in an hour; however, the exact time it takes depends on a variety of factors, including the writer’s typing speed, level of knowledge of the subject matter, level of writing proficiency, and the amount of research that is required.

You can write two thousand words in an hour if you are a speedy typist and know much about the subject. The time it takes depends on factors including how well you know the subject matter, how much research is required, and how much trouble you have with writing smoothly.

The standard of writing is yet another aspect to take into account. Writing 2,000 words in an hour is feasible, but if the writer is hurrying through the process, the quality of their work could suffer. In certain circumstances, it could be more beneficial to spend one’s time to guarantee that the written work is of good quality and successfully conveys the intended meaning.

It all comes down to the writer and the assignment when estimating how quickly they can produce 2000 words.

Do you need assistance with the tasks you have to complete? You shouldn’t be concerned about it. We’d be happy to provide our expert Write My Essay For Me services to write your essays on time so you have more time for social activities and other pursuits outside of school.
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