An essay on depression is one of the common assignments students get. If you’re looking for topic ideas and writing tips to write your paper, you’re at the right place. This guide is all you need to read to understand how to write an exceptional piece on depression.

- What Is an Essay About a Depression
- Importance of Depression Essay
- How to Get the Best Depression Essay
- Catchy Titles for An Essay About Depression
- How to Start a Depression Essay
- How to Write Body Paragraphs
- How to Write Conclusion for a Depression Essay
- Short Example of a College Essay About Depression
What Is an Essay About a Depression?
Writing a depression essay means writing on any topic that is related to depression. It doesn’t have to be a technical one. You can write about your personal experiences or how depression impacts various things in life, such as:
- Relationship with your friends.
- Relationship with your siblings.
- Academic performance.
- Social interactions, etc.
Importance of Depression Essay
Writing a piece on depression is a great opportunity to get yourself enlightened about this issue in various contexts. For instance, if you don’t know how maternal depression impacts child development, writing a paper on it will give you a chance to read about it in detail. The research phase will help develop a better understanding of the topic. It is also a golden opportunity to include recent facts and insights that may be new to the reader as well. Doing so will develop the reader’s interest and demonstrate how well you’ve done your research. So, do not miss this chance of impressing your teacher. You may discuss various causes and effects of depression in various contexts.
How to Get the Best Depression Essay
Have you been thinking to yourself: I wish somebody could write me an essay! If this is the case, has got your back! Their skilled team of writers knows the exact recipe for a perfect essay. So, if you need assistance with assignment writing, you may choose to take help from them. No matter what your topic is, they know how to craft a compelling paper. From teen depression essays to thesis writing, they are skilled in writing all kinds of assignments.
Catchy Titles for An Essay About Depression
Here is a list of some interesting depression essay topics and prompts:
- Impact of playing excessive video games on the level of depression in teenagers.
- The impact of maternal depression on children.
- How does social media impact teen depression?
- Relationship between social media and depression among teenagers.
- How can we reduce the stigma around mental health?
- Causes and effects of depression.
- Does the stigma around mental health cause more troubles than the mental illness itself?
- How depression influence self-esteem?
- Are women more prone to depression?
- Writing therapy and depression.
- Does spending a lot of time on social media is linked with depression and anxiety?
- Do smartphones influence depression?
- The relationship between drugs and depression in teens.
- How important it is to recognize depression.
- Depression among teens in the developed countries.
- How to recognize signs of depression in children?
- Depression among immigrants.
How to Start a Depression Essay
When you start to write your paper, make sure you do extensive reading and create an outline.
Outline writing
An outline is a plan where you structurize your paper and organize the key arguments or points into logical paragraphs. Creating an outline makes it easy to write the entire paper. Doing so will also ensure you don’t miss any important points. The outline keeps you on track. So, how to create it? Well, there’s not any specific structure of an outline. But, make sure it includes:
- Introduction: It is one of the key parts of your outline. Here you may mention the title and the thesis statement. Since the thesis is the backbone of your write-up, penning it down in the outline will help you connect your arguments with it in each paragraph.
- Body paragraphs: The body can normally have two to four paragraphs. Make sure you include all of them in the outline. Write down your topic sentence, argument, and evidence for each paragraph. The evidence could be a fact, real-life example, statistics, or something similar.
- Conclusion: Pen down your concluding thoughts with an interesting phrase. Rephrase your thesis and summarize the central idea.
Tips concerning writing a depression essay introduction
An introduction to a depression essay is not any different from any other write-up. Starting with a hook is a useful rule of thumb to keep your reader interested in reading. So, make sure your introduction does not contain any Clichés. If you want your paper to stand out, come up with an introduction that hooks the reader. If you think humor can gel in well in your introduction, don’t be afraid to use it. Besides, you can also start your paper with an anecdote or a controversy. These are few things that can easily hook the reader without much effort.
How to Write Body Paragraphs
Once you’re done with your introduction, it’s time to start the body of your essay. The body normally has 2 to 4 paragraphs depending on the total word count. Each paragraph of the body should have:
- Topic sentence;
- Argument/idea;
- Evidence to support that argument/idea;
- Closing sentence.
Remember each paragraph has a separate idea or argument. Never include two ideas or arguments in the same paragraph. Following the incorrect structure would cost you your grades. Therefore, knowing the correct structure and following it is as important as introducing brilliant ideas in your piece and flaunting your pencraft. Moreover, don’t forget to use transition words throughout your write-up. They help maintain the flow of your write-up and connect the sentences well. Without the transition words, your essay may look like a distorted piece of words. And the reader would not be able to engage well and connect with you. Be mindful of the fact that connecting with the reader is key to making an impression and getting good grades.
How to Write Conclusion for a Depression Essay
Writing a depression essay conclusion should be similar to how you write conclusions for any other topic. It should wrap up your thoughts and summarize the goal of your paper while restating the thesis statement.
Finalizing Essay
Once you’re done writing, do not forget to proofread it. Read it at least thrice to ensure it is free from all typos and spelling or punctuation mistakes. This step is essential as submitting an assignment with silly errors can cost you your grades as well as your reputation. Also, make sure you have formatted the paper as per the required format.
Short Example of a College Essay About Depression

“The Impact of Maternal Depression on Children”
The bond and attachment between a mother and a child are naturally developed even before a child is born. Therefore, the mood and the mental state of a mother can have a major impact on the mental health of a child. If the mother is dealing with depression even during the pregnancy, it can negatively influence the child. This essay will discuss the two main influences of maternal depression on children.
Science tells us that mothers who are exposed to anxiety and depression have a negative impact on their children as early as pregnancy. As a result, the natural bond and attachment between a mother and child are disrupted. This disruption may lead to many psychiatric and behavioral disorders. Children whose mothers are exposed to depression may also experience poor academic performance and early cognitive development delays. Weissman, Gammon & John (1987) conducted research that revealed: “the infant of a depressed mother is at risk for developing insecure attachment, negative affect, and dysregulated attention and arousal.” Moreover, they also concluded that preschoolers or toddlers of mothers who are depressed are at risk of difficulties in cognitive functioning, developing poor self-control, and poor social interactions.
The impact of maternal depression is not just confined to psychiatric and behavioral issues, but these children are also at risk of child abuse. An Urban Institute report on the connection between child abuse and maternal depression reveals that “children born into poverty with mothers exposed to depression are more likely to be exposed to substance abuse and violence at home than children with non-depressed mothers.” For example, if a mother is depressed, she is more likely to – experience mood swings, frustration, and anxiety. This may cause them to have mental breakdowns. These mental breakdowns often result in verbal and physical abuse and neglect. When children experience abuse by their mothers, who are their primary caregivers, their bond with them gets disrupted. When this primary and most important relationship of their life is not as it should be, they start experiencing mental health issues. Thus, it is normal for kids of depressed moms to develop depression and anxiety as a result of abuse or poor attention from their mothers.
To conclude, the mental health of mothers is a big concern. Maternal depression not only influences the mother’s life, but it also has a negative impact on the lives of their children. Hence, the stigma around mental health should be wiped out as it makes the mothers less likely to seek treatment. As a result, their symptoms are more likely to get worse and affect the lives of their children. Besides, this stigma also keeps the children from looking for help or talking to someone about their mental health issues. And, the vicious cycle keeps going on and on.
All the tips and samples mentioned above are sure to help you craft an exceptional piece. So, make sure you keep these tips in mind when writing your paper. However, if you still can’t seem to write it on your own, feel free to take professional help.