Psychology Dissertation Topics

Psychology is one of the most interesting fields in social sciences. With a variety of subfields, students can choose the research area that matches their interests the most. From criminal psychology to organizational psychology, you have a lot of research options as a student. So, if you’re confused about what topic to choose for your thesis, you’re at the right place.

Criminal Psychology Dissertation Topics

Criminal psychology is a vast field. The topics in this field of study do not only relate to the psychological orientations behind criminal activities. But, they also relate to several other elements that impact these psychological orientations. These elements can be either socio-economic or infrastructural. In short, the topics can relate to anything from intentions, views, and thoughts to reactions and actions of people involved in criminal behavior. Besides, criminal psychology is also related to criminal anthropology. Thereby, there are hundreds of topics that you can choose for your dissertation. So, let’s take a look at some of the interesting dissertation topics:

  • The Impact Of Divorce On The Aggressive Behaviors Of A Child.
  • The Relationship Between Living In A Disputed Family And Criminal Activities.
  • The Relationship Between Education And Criminal Behavior.
  • The Relationship Between Having An Abused Childhood And Criminal Activities In Adulthood.
  • The Role Of The Family In Criminal Investigations.
  • The Relationship Between Not Having A Good Relationship With The Primary Caregiver And Developing Anger Management Issues.
  • Ethical Checkpoints That Challenge Criminal Psychologists.
  • Should Children Be Considered A Witness?
  • The Relationship Between Childhood Trauma And Antisocial Behavior In Adulthood.
  • Comparative Analysis Of Drug Abuse Based On Gender.
  • Comparative Analysis Of Attitudes Towards Criminal Justice In Developing And Developed Countries.
  • Criminal Psychology And Genetics.
  • Domestic Abuse In A Multicultural Environment.
  • Psychological Assessments And Family Law.
  • The Layman And Expert’s Perception Of Sexual Violence.
  • Why Do Some Criminals Tend To Commit A Crime Repeatedly?
  • Crime Challenges And Schizophrenia.

These topics are sure to help you craft a compelling dissertation. But, if, for any reason, you’re feeling stuck and asking around: “who can do my dissertation?” There are quite a few professional writers who can help you with it.

Clinical Psychology Dissertation Ideas

Clinical psychology is one of the most known divisions in psychology. And it is a large subfield. There may be thousands of topics related to this field of study. Even the topics of social psychology and a few other subfields can interrelate with each other. For instance, mental health relates to all subfields of psychology, and so does human behavior. Hence, determining a particular theme or title for your research could be tricky. Several students find it challenging to choose a topic that they’d be able to research. Are you in the same boat? To help you with the process, here are some interesting topic ideas:

  • How Do Social Media Impact The Behavior Of Its Users?
  • The Relationship Between Excessive Use Of Social Media And Levels Of Depression.
  • Compare And Contrast Two Psychological Disorders.
  • The Impact Of Anxiety On The Daily Activities Of Teens.
  • Anxiety In Children And Their Relationship With Their Primary Caregivers.
  • Impact Of Immigration On The Levels Of Anxiety And Self-Esteem.
  • The Relationship Between Depression And Substance Abuse.
  • The Impact Of Social Anxiety On The Overall Mental Health.
  • How Important Is Patient Education?
  • The Impact Of Good Healthcare On Levels Of Depression.
  • The Relationship Between Patient Education And Quick Recovery Of A Depression Patient.
  • The Relationship Between Poor Support System And Postpartum Depression.
  • The Impact Of Immigration On The Mental Health Of Immigrated Children.
  • The Impact Of Bipolar Disorder On Marriage.
  • How Does Aging Impact Mental Health?
  • The Impact Of Playing Excessive Video Games On Mental Health.
  • The Relationship Between Video Games And Levels Of Depression.
  • The Impact Of Patient Education On Schizophrenia Patients.
  • The Impact Of Untreated Postpartum Depression On Children Of Depressed Moms.
  • The Relationship Between Advocacy And Prenatal Depression.
  • Can Prenatal Depression Be Prevented Through Advocacy?
  • The Impact Of Having Pets On The Mental Health Of People Living Alone.
  • The Impact Of Self-Care On Mental Health.

Good Psychology Dissertation Topics

The aim should be to select a topic that interests you heartedly. Good psychology deals with common emotions, happiness, well-being, positive and negative feelings, and their impact on your personal life and attitude. Good psychology is a vast subject line. Therefore, a good topic allows you to stay focused on the point. However, don’t get a too narrow niche. Doing so will affect your research work and data gathering. Here are a few interesting ideas for a psychology dissertation that will be high-scoring and bring you the results you dream of.

  • What Leads To Phobias, And How Do People Cope With Them?
  • Discuss The Correlation Between Psychology And Chronic Pain And How Individuals Can Control Chronic Pain Through Psychological Treatment.
  • New Studies Suggest That Panic Attacks Can Be Treated By Cognitive Therapy. Discuss In The Light Of Recent Scholarly Research On The Said Topic.
  • Criminals Are Treated Using Behavioral Therapy. How Effective Is This Treatment For Serial Killers?
  • Medical Science Terms Antidepressants As Highly Addictive. Discuss The Impact Of Normal To Excessive Usage Of The Drug.
  • Positive Thinking Can Do Wonders For Personal Growth And Success. Draw A Comparison Between A Positive Attitude And A Negative Mindset.
  • Mental Health Is Directly Proportional To Physical Well-Being, Exercise, And Sports.
  • Asexuality Is Considered To Be The Inbound Psychology Of A Person.
  • Love, Affection, And Intimacy Have An Invaluable Impact On Mental Health Issues.
  • Children Who Play Violent Video Games Are More Likely To Become Criminal Teenagers.
  • Give A Detailed Literature Review Based On The Fact That A Healthy, Friendly Relationship With Parents Guarantees A Successful, Morally Upright Kid’s Character.
  • Kids Who Are Well Aware Of Good Touch And Bad Touch From An Early Age Are Less Likely To Fall Prey To Sexual Harassment And Sexual Abuse.

Consumer Psychology Dissertation Topics

Wondering how and what compels consumers to make buying decisions? How practice, trends, and habits play a role in determining their consumption choices? All this can be understood through consumer psychology.

Do you have a tough time finding the right topic for your consumer psychology thesis? Have you been asking around: “who can do my dissertation?” You can opt to hire a professional writer if you can’t seem to do it independently. A good and reliable writing service will help you choose the right topic and submit the best dissertation. However, if you choose to do it on your own, here are some topic suggestions for you:

  • Gender Comparison In The Age Of E-Commerce Boom. Male Vs. Female Buying Behaviors.
  • A Literature Review Through The Essence Behind The Correlation Between Shopping And Happiness.
  • Drawing A Comparison Between Shopping Now And Shopping Then. How Two Generations Of Shoppers React To Discount Sales
  • Outcomes Of Effective Kids Targeted Advertisement Campaign. How Does It Stimulate Buying Behavior In Adults?
  • Draw A Detailed Analysis Of Online Shopping Trends In First-World Countries To Underdeveloped Countries.
  • The New Age Aggressive Marketing Strategies Are Counterproductive When It Comes To Numbers. Over Bombardment Of Advertisements Is Affecting Product Sales.
  • Elaborate The Notion That Unwavering Brand Loyalty Provides Brands A Unique Opportunity To Mint Unprecedented Profits.
  • Draw A Comparison Between Buying Behaviors Driven Mostly Through Effective Advertisement Vs. Consumer Needs.
  • The Role Of Increasing Internet Banking And Unplanned Buying Behaviors In The Youth.
  • What Products Are Less Likely To Be Bought Over The Internet And Why? What Do The Online Buying Patterns Suggest? Build Up A Systematic Literature Review Based On Facts And Circumstances.
  • Discuss The Impact Of Celebrity Endorsement Strategies For Brand Campaigns On The Youth.

These consumer psychology dissertation ideas will surely help you develop an interesting title for your research.

Dissertation Topics In Industrial/Organizational Psychology

An office is where you spend your time almost as equally as your home. Industrial-organizational psychology refers to the psychological theories revolving around the workplace environment, professional attitude, relationship with coworkers, and physical and mental well-being at work. You would need to work hard to get your dissertation done if you are enrolled in such a vast subject study of psychology. Here is a glance at some great dissertation topics in psychology that deals with industrial-organizational behavior.

  • Discuss How The Work-Life Balance Is Seriously Disturbed In An Overly Competitive Workplace Environment.
  • A Good Workplace Environment Leads To Higher Levels Of Job Satisfaction
  • The Greater The Workplace Cooperation, The Better The Employees’ Productivity. Give A Detailed Systematic Literature Review On The Said Notion.
  • Organizations Having Industrial Psychologists In The Workplace Are More Productive And Successful In The Market. Discuss And Compare With Examples To Make Your Point.
  • Effects Of Globalization At The Workplace. Diversity In A Team Leads To A More Conducive Environment.
  • The Effects Of Positive Humor Vs. Negative Humor In The Workplace.
  • A Good Employee Is Looking For Only One Trait, Transparency, In The Organization. Discuss How Transparency And Accountability From Leadership To The Executive Level Are Important.
  • Dirty Politics At The Workplace Vs. Great Cooperation
  • Job Security, Health Benefits, And Other Perks At An Organization Are More Likely To Keep An Employee Away From Occupational Stress.
  • Studies Suggest That Increased Work From Home Routine Has Ninefold Productivity.
  • Advantages Vs. Disadvantages Of Working From Home.
  • Lack Of Promotions, Appraisal, And Monetary Satisfaction Of The Employees Is Highly Likely To Stop Organizational Growth.
  • The Carrot And Stick Policy Leads To Better Performance Management And Eventually Reflects On The Organization’s Overall Productivity.

 Dissertation Topics In Forensic Psychology

Forensic psychology is all about dealing with the legal aspects of society. And the topics of this subfield can relate to myriad inter-connected concepts within the arena of rehabilitation centers, police work, or any other legal environment. These topics can be deep depending on the level of education. For instance, a Ph.D. thesis has a much higher thesis than a bachelor’s one. But, the following forensic psychology dissertation ideas will help you craft a perfect topic for your dissertation. 

  • The Impact Of Rehabilitation On Their Relationship With Families.
  • The Effectiveness Of Rehabilitation In Prisons.
  • How Crucial Is Rehabilitation For Minors In Prisons?
  • Factors That Influence Children To Commit Murders.
  • Impact Of Rehabilitation On Juvenile Criminals.
  • Domestic Violence Towards Men. Is It Neglected?
  • The Impact Of Sexual Assault On Personality Traits.
  • The Role Of The Internet In Copycat Crimes.
  • Mass Killings In The U.S And Their Impact On The Survivors.
  • Best Strategies For Policing The Internet.
  • Can A Stable Upbringing Prevent Individuals From Becoming Criminals?
  • The Relationship Between The Actions Of Serial Killers And Their Upbringing.
  • Can Psychologists Help Serial Killers Live Normal Life?
  • Can Counseling In Schools Prevent Various Juvenile Crimes?
  • Can Counseling In Schools Prevent Bullying And Harassment On Campus?
  • Do News Media Have The Power To Shape The Perception Of Sexual Violence In The Masses?
  • Does The Perception Of Sexual Violence Vary From Gender To Gender?
  • What Is The Leading Cause Of Murders Done By Teens?
  • Are Crimes Done By Children Preventable?
  • Does The Relationship With The Primary Caregiver Impact Your Behavior?
  • The Key Reasons For Domestic Violence Towards Women.
  • Why Do Several Women Prefer To Stay Silent On Domestic Violence Against Them?
  • The Impact Of Domestic Violence On The Children Witnessing It.

Thinking of a topic from scratch can be challenging. But, going through the list of the above-mentioned topic ideas is sure to help you develop a perfect thesis title. So, do some initial research on your favorite topics and choose the one that seems the most appropriate.

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