Economics Dissertation Topics

Economics is one of the most rigorous and important fields of study. It equips students with the understanding of the scarceness of resources against unlimited wants. Amplifying that dilemma to banking, global economy, commerce, and governance and students will have countless topics to write a dissertation on.

In this article, we will go through some of the suggestions for Economics Dissertations topics.

Economic Geography Dissertation Ideas

Economic Geography is a sub-field of Geography that deals with human economic activities concerning their location. It has many categories and levels of analyses, including primary, secondary, tertiary, and Quaternary.

It is a rich field of study that students at both graduate and post-graduate levels can explore through research papers. Since it is always hard to ace the topic and scope of a research paper, we have already come up with tens of topics on Economic Geography.

Here is a definitive rundown of Economic Geography dissertation topics:

  • Local And Regional Cultures Have An Impact On Entrepreneurial Economic Development.
  • Can An Entrepreneurial Mindset Be Transferred? Emigrants’ Role In Instilling New Entrepreneurial Attitudes.
  • Entrepreneurial Behavior In Rural And Urban Areas Differs.
  • Is There a Link Between The Foreign Direct Investment That Dominates Large Towns And The Cultural Factors That Shape Them?
  • The Importance Of Local Culture In The Development Of Regional Innovation Networks.
  • Opportunities For National, Regional, And Local Policies To Support Local Clusters.
  • How Can Policy Help To Establish a Local Cluster?
  • Is Local Proximity a Factor In Network Performance? Localized And Dispersed Networks Have Different Characteristics.
  • The Impact Of Brexit On Policy Outcomes That Shape The Local Economy In UK Cities Is Likely To Be Significant.
  • Incubators For Information And Communication Technology Development In The United Kingdom. The Concentration Of The Top 50 It Companies Was Studied.
  • What Causes Regional Disparities? An Examination Of The UK’s Wealthiest And Poorest Regions.
  • The Recession’s Economic Geography. In The United Kingdom, There Is a Distinction Between Regional And City Economics.
  • Why Do People Build Homes In Flood-Prone Coastal Areas?
  • Key Literature Resources Identification On a Local Level: A Comparison Of The UK’s Northern And Southern Cities.
  • How Covid Has Influenced House Price Volatility In Different UK Cities.
  • The Impact Of The Covid Ban On Social Life In Major Cities.
  • Will The Coronavirus Cause a Mass Exodus From Major Cities?

Development Economics Dissertation Topics

Development Economics, as the name suggests, is about the improvement of monetary and fiscal conditions in areas with marginalized economic reception and growth. In the last couple of years, with the disparities among developed and developing countries rising, this subject has gained immense momentum.

For students and professionals who want to write first-class dissertations on Development Economics, here is a definitive list:

  • What Are The Most Important Economic Development Indicators?
  • India As a Case Study For The Impact Of Population Growth On Developing Economies.
  • The Relationship Between Migration And Economic Development Is Being Investigated.
  • What Role Do Land Regulations Play In The Development Of Developing Countries?
  • Regulation And Development Prospects on European Regional Policy
  • What Are The Preferences Of The New Generation Of Millennials In Terms Of Where They Want To Live?
  • Innovation Funding Instruments for Shaping Entrepreneurial Economic Development
  • Protection Of Start-Ups’ Intellectual Property Rights
  • Impact Of Technological Advancements On Manufacturing Productivity
  • How Does Trade Openness Affect The Economy’s Overall Productivity? Based on An Australian Sample
  • Globalization’s Impact On Income Distribution In Emerging Economies
  • The Relationship Between Migration And Development Economics Is Being Investigated.
  • Low-Income Earners’ Budgeting And Decision-Making In Emerging Economies
  • The Relationship Between Family Planning, Labor Force Participation, And Income Fluctuations Is Being Investigated.
  • Natural Disasters And Their Consequences For Emerging Economies
  • India’s Impact On Development Economics As a Result Of Population Growth
  • The Factors That Influence The Performance Of Emerging Economy Institutions
  • Village Economic Patterns Compared Across Virginia
  • A Review Of Aid And Developing Economies’ Economic Growth

Environmental Economics Dissertation Topics

Environmental Economics deals with the two-way effects of economic activities and policies on the environment and vice versa. Due to rising awareness and deteriorating environmental metrics, the field is more relevant than ever.

In the lines below, we have made it easier for students to write dissertations on Environmental Economics by sorting out some great but relevant economics dissertation ideas:

  • An Economic Analysis Of The United States’ Waste Disposal Programs
  • Who Is Responsible For The Economic Consequences Of Man-Made Environmental Disasters?
  • The Economics Of Land In The United States: A Comparative Analysis Of Land Sharing And Land Sparing
  • An Economic Analysis Of The Impact Of Waste Disposal Programs On American Environmental Policy
  • Policies For Water Management And Conservation In The United States And The United Kingdom a Comparative Study
  • Different Climate Change Assessment Mechanisms Have Different Economic Implications For Climate Policy Changes.
  • The Cost Of Organizational Environmental Analysis In The United States Is Being Investigated.
  • What Factors Influence The Development Of Climate Policy In The United States? An Economic Examination
  • The Economic Implications Of Foreign Direct Investment Across Borders
  • The Environmental Impact Of Technological Innovation On Clean And Green Products
  • Perspectives From The United States On The Impact Of Work-Life Balance On Social Ecosystems
  • The Link Between Financial Incentives And The Production Of Environmentally Friendly Goods

Undergraduate Economics Dissertation Topics

Since it is the start of formal education in Economics, it is not expected for students to have a deep understanding of concepts for primary or secondary research. Still, those who want to graduate first class need to write world-class dissertations.

This is where this list of dissertation topics in economics comes into the picture:

  • The Impact Of Nigeria’s Oil Industry On The Country’s Economic Development
  • The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Investing In Kenya.
  • Africa’s Tourism Industry Is Growing Economically
  • Globalization And Its Impact On Businesses Around The World
  • Investing In Turkey Carries Economic Risks.
  • The Biggest Economic Challenge Facing The United States Is The Decline In Employment Rates
  • China’s Banking Sector Is Financially Stable.
  • Russia’s New Electronic Payment Services
  • The Relationship Between Local Culture And Entrepreneurship
  • Culture’s Influence On Economic Theory
  • Natural Cultural Practices And Entrepreneurial Activity
  • The Main Causes Of Wage Disparities Across The United States

Health Economics Dissertation Topics

When it comes to studying issues related to efficiency, effectiveness, and value of health and healthcare, Health Economists are summoned. Through different analytical tools and theoretical discourses, Health Economics studies and improves the science and market of health and disease.

It is a relatively new yet rich field for both graduate and post-graduate students. Those who are interested to write on Health Economic dissertation topics can benefit a lot from this list:

  • A Thorough Examination Of The Role Of Big Data In Healthcare Decision-Making In The United Kingdom.
  • A Critical Analysis Of Key Elements, Rationale, And Economic Justification For Health Insurance.
  • Analysis Of The Literature On Underage Drinking In The United Kingdom And The Effects Of Government And Healthcare Interventions.
  • Analysis Of The Economic Consequences Of Government Interventions In Europe On Teen Pregnancies
  • Evidence From The Literature On The Impact Of Child Education On Parents’ Life Expectancies
  • Who Pays The Price For The Lack Of Insurance, The Priority Health Condition, And The Economy in the Labor Market?
  • A Review Of Ambulatory Surgery Centers In The United Kingdom To See How Technological Innovation Affects Healthcare Costs.
  • A Review Of The Impact Of Social Integration On Health Patterns And Healthcare In The United Kingdom.
  • The Economic Case For Using Various Prostate Cancer Diagnostic Tools In The United Kingdom.
  • An Analysis Of The Literature On Cultural Orientations And The Burden On Mental Health Care Services In The United Kingdom.
  • An Investigation Into The Causal Relationship Between Fertility Clinics And Health Insurance In The United Kingdom.
  • Respiratory Care: Causes And Consequences For The UK Healthcare System
  • An Economic Analysis Of Lifestyle Intervention Programs And Their Impact On The UK Health-Care Sector.
  • An Economic Analysis Of Technological Innovation And Transaction Costs In The UK Healthcare Sector.
  • Early Screening And Diagnostic Tools For Ovarian Cancer Are Economically Viable, According To UK Perspectives.
  • A Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Public-Sector Family Planning Programs And Interventions In Emerging Economies

M.Sc Dissertation Topics

At the M.Sc level, students are mature and have a better understanding of the economic concepts and their applications, when compared to bachelor’s or undergraduate levels. That’s why they can, and should, indulge in more complex and complicated issues and find their solutions, at both theoretical and practical levels.

To get writers kick-started, here is a list:

  • The Impact Of Visual Aids In Home Economics Classes
  • In America, The Impact Of Income Changes On Consumer Behavior
  • The Factors That Contribute To Socioeconomic Disparities In The United States
  • Economic Growth And International Development Are Intertwined.
  • Technological Advancements And Their Impact On Green And Environmentally Friendly Products through European Regional Policy
  • Non-Solar Renewable Energy’s Economics
  • Terrorism’s Economic Consequences
  • In Africa’s Oil And Gas Industry, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Is Being Implemented.
  • Economic Recession & Behavioral Economics
  • Sustainable Communities’ Economic Opportunities And Challenges
  • Nuclear Power Plant Economics.
  • Emerging Market Assistance And Financial Assistance
  • The Impact Of Multinational Corporations On American Economic Growth.
  • Natural Disasters’ Impact On Asia’s Development.
  • Globalization’s Impact On Emerging Markets And Development

Macroeconomics Dissertation Topics

Macroeconomics is the field of study that deals with the structure, performance, and forces of underlying economic factors of an economy as a whole. It is a complex field with sometimes controversial issues, such as taxes, fiscal and monetary policies, interest rates, etc, that a state should impose and sustain.

For scholars who want to write on Macroeconomics, here are some great topics for an economics dissertation:

  • The Role Of Banks In The Economy
  • Inflation In The United States And How To Mitigate Its Effects.
  • The Interplay Of Politics And Economics.
  • Demographic Economics And Income Dynamics
  • Macroeconomics And Us Market Liquidity
  • Macroeconomics And Economic Self-Correction
  • Monopolies, The American Economy, And Monetary Policy
  • Control Is Crucial In Macroeconomics.
  • Africa’s Macroeconomics And Performance Are Examined.
  • Education Economics In Emerging Markets.
  • Japan’s Macroeconomic Issues And Potential Solutions
  • An Examination Of British Macroeconomics About The United States.
  • Socioeconomic Disparities And Government Policies
  • Macroeconomic Analysis Of The World’s Problems
  • The Relationship Between Money And Job Interest

Institutional Economics Dissertation Topics

In the modern world, there are institutions for everything concerning political, economic, and social factors. Studying the role of these institutions in shaping the economic behavior of individuals through the evolutionary phase is covered under Institutional Economics.

This is a complex field of study but for those who are interested in writing on topics concerning an Institutional Economics dissertation, here is a great list:

  • An Examination Of The Implications Of Institutional Economics Methodologies For Property Market Analysis.
  • A Study Of How a Firm’s Choice Of Governance Structures Is Influenced By The Theoretical Assumptions Of The New Institutional Economics (NIE) Micro Analytical Level.
  • How Do Routines And Habits Influence Productivity? The Situation Of (An Industry).
  • What Effect Does The Cultural Mix Have On Business Organization In The United Kingdom?
  • The Role Of Social Capabilities In Emerging Economy Resilience To Economic Contraction.
  • The Case Of UK SMEs: Financial Constraints, Trust, And Export Performance.
  • The Efficiency Of The UK Property Market From An Institutional Standpoint.
  • Economic Development And Transaction Costs
  • An Examination Of Firm Cooperation Using Resource-Based Theory.
  • How Can Inter-Firm Collaboration Be Accounted For In Transaction Costs Economics?
  • An Institutional Analysis Of Ownership And Control In The United Kingdom.

Regional Development Dissertation Topics

Regional Development Economics is a sub-field of economics that focuses on economic policies and forces responsible for the prosperity of one region compared to the decline of the other. The study deals with the dynamics of regionalism concerning economic growth and prosperity.

Students and professionals inclined toward doing theoretical work in this field can benefit a lot from a list of regional development topics in economics dissertation:

  • The Economic Impact Of Multinational Commodity Trading From The Perspective Of Development
  • Globalization’s Impact On Income Distribution In Emerging Economies
  • Low-Income Earners’ Budgeting And Decision-Making In Emerging Economies
  • The Relationship Between Family Planning, Labor Force Participation, And Income Fluctuations Is Being Investigated.
  • Natural Disasters And Their Consequences For Emerging Economies
  • India’s Impact On Development Economics As a Result Of Population Growth
  • The Factors That Influence The Performance Of Emerging Economy Institutions
  • Village Economic Patterns Compared Across Virginia
  • A Review Of Aid And Developing Economies’ Economic Growth


There is no denying that one of the hardest things about writing is finding suitable topics for dissertations. In Economics, it becomes a bit more difficult because of the vastness of the field. This article will be helpful to students in picking up the right topic for them.

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