Mental Health Dissertation Topics

There has been a drastic increase in the study and scope of mental health in recent years. It is being held at par with physical health when it comes to assessing the well-being of a person. Thus, many people are focusing their efforts on understanding the different aspects which affect it.

Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

The human psyche is very complex and fragile, so people have dedicated their lives to studying and researching it. It is an exciting field but full of complications. So, if you feel overwhelmed about having to write it, you can find a reliable write my dissertation service. These services hire professional writers who are experts at writing thesis papers and research. They can craft a high-quality paper in less time as well.

The complicated nature of mental issue issues has created a need for specialized nursing, also known as psychiatric nursing. These nurses undergo special training to deal with patients dealing with ongoing mental illness. Some nursing mental health dissertation ideas are as follows:

  • What role does a psychiatric nurse in developing treatment plans alongside psychologists?;
  • The importance of psychiatric nursing;
  • The role of a psychiatric health nurse in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients;
  • The importance of learning psychotherapy as a mental health nurse;
  • The signs necessary for the diagnosis of mental issue;
  • How to customize treatment methods for patients dealing with different illnesses;
  • The signs to look out for in post-partum patients and how to address them;
  • The challenges of becoming a psychiatric nurse;
  • The impact of dealing with exposed trauma on the nurse’s mental health;
  • The pros and cons of becoming a nurse at a psychiatric ward.

Child And Adolescent Mental Health Dissertation Ideas

There is no standard structure for psychiatric health disorders. It is not dependent on anyone’s age, gender, or ethnicity. People of diverse backgrounds can develop the same issue. However, most issues are the consequence of unresolved childhood circumstances. If they experience a similar or stressful situation, it can trigger the dormant issue. In some cases, these unresolved issues will show symptoms and continue to increase through adolescence and adulthood.

 Some dissertation ideas around the mental health of children and teenagers are:

  • The impact of different parenting styles on a child’s mental well-being;
  • What effect can post-partum depression have on an infant’s psychiatric well-being;
  • What tendencies in children are self-destructive and lead to poor mental health?;
  • The psychiatric disorders that result from bullying others and what happens to an individual who deals with the bullying;
  • The importance of mental health in children under the age of 11;
  • Cognitive developmental stages in children and what to do in each stage;
  • Violent videogames adversely affect the mind of young children;
  • The psychological effects of the covid-19 restrictions on children;
  • How abusive can parents lead to low self-worth and self-esteem in young children and adolescents?;
  • How can a divorce change the psychology of adolescent children?Unique Dissertation Ideas on Mental Health Problems

The diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric l illnesses are as crucial as physical diseases, as the mind is also an organ. There is a biological basis behind human psychology which is affected by triggers like a stressful situation, trauma, hormone, and enzyme fluctuations. It can hinder an individual’s ability to perform routine or basic tasks and act as a disability.

People dealing with mental health issues may find it difficult to participate and perform socially acceptable in social situations. At the same time, they may not be able to identify the problem, and if they can, they may find it challenging to reach out for help.

It can be challenging for people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to maintain a good routine because they can get panic attacks from different triggers.

If a person has dealt with bullying as a child, it might result in low self-esteem, which adds pressure to meet everyone’s expectations without meeting their own needs. Unique mental health dissertation topics are;

  • Affordable healthcare for psychiatric l health disorders;
  • The relationship between unresolved psychiatric trauma and suicide;
  • Physical abuse affects the mental health of children;
  • The mental toll infertility can take on men and women;
  • How can emotional scars be managed and healed?;
  • The correlation between phobias and childhood trauma;
  • The genetics of mental health disorders;
  • The policies governing the rights of mentally ill people;
  • Can a schizophrenic violent patient go to trial?;
  • Are there any natural alternatives to anti-depressants?;
  • The vicious cycle of how childhood abuse creates a child abuser.

Anxiety & Depression Dissertation Ideas

Some of the most common psychiatric issues worldwide are anxiety and depression. These are vague terms as there are several different types of each, depending on the symptoms and causes. In simple terms, anxiety creates feelings of uneasiness that may stem from fear, uncomfortable situations, stress, and dread. Anxiety can trigger regular panic and anxiety attacks, which causes chest pains, sweating, and an increase in heart rate. If left untreated, it can cause heart problems long-term, not to mention the constant stress.

Some mental health dissertation ideas about anxiety are:

  • How to navigate social situations while suffering from anxiety attacks?;
  • The reality of living with social anxiety;
  • Do people with ADHD experience high levels of anxiety;
  • The different effects triggers have on the type of anxiety an individual may develop;
  • Can bullying and anxiety lead to an eating disorder?;
  • The impact regular medication can have on anxiety attacks in patients;
  • Different types of anxieties add various hindrances to one’s life.

Depression is another common psychiatric illness, but it can have grave consequences if left untreated. Depression causes intense feelings of indifference and sadness, and a depressed person may deal with weight and appetite fluctuations, interest in all activities, and difficulty in decision making. The cause of depression may vary and a wide array of things such as vitamin and nutrient deficiency, thyroid problems, and hormone levels or lifestyle changes.

  • How to deal with the seasonal affective disorder (SAD) when living in the UK?;
  • The side effects of anti-depressants;
  • The cause and treatment of post-partum depression;
  • The correlation between high-stress jobs and depression;
  • What do depression symptoms look like;
  • Can age cause depression?;
  • Depression and its relation with the economy: Depression rates in first-world countries versus third-world countries.

Mental Illness Dissertation Ideas

Mental illnesses are disorders that arise when a person deals with issues in their mental health. The illness affects your mood, emotions, thought process, and behavior. Psychiatric illnesses affect a person’s productivity, whether with their work or studies. It can also have an impact on their relationship with themselves and others. In some cases, the person may suffer from low self-esteem and image. They may even resort to extreme measures like self-harm or even suicide in other cases. These illnesses are as threatening as physical diseases and need to be treated. If you choose to write a dissertation on mental health, then some intriguing topics are;

  • The mental health consequences cyberbullying in high school can have on an individual;
  • The challenges that come with suffering from a bipolar disorder;
  • The advancements in herbal medicines for the treatment of psychiatric illnesses;
  • Herbal medicine versus modern medicine: which is more effective in the treatment of anxiety;
  • The relationship between sleep and stress with panic attacks;
  • The cause and effect of Seasonal affective disorder (SAD);
  • Living with psychiatric trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as a refugee;
  • Why do most marines deal with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?;
  • The impact of police brutality and racial profiling on the mental well-being of people of color.

Psychiatry Dissertation Ideas

Psychiatry is the medical practice of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disorders related to individuals’ emotional, mental, and behavioral actions. A psychiatrist will use different types of tests and scans to diagnose a patient. The treatment may vary from various forms of therapy to herbal and modern medications. The goal of treatment is to treat the disorder with little to no long-term effect on the patients’ physical condition. The different types of medicine include anti-depressants, mood stabilizers, sedatives, and stimulants.

  • How do the fields of psychiatry and psychology different yet still overlap?;
  • The side effects of long-term use of anti-depressants;
  • How do stimulants help patients suffering from ADHD?;
  • The effect of a positive mindset in healing the patterns of Seasonal affective disorder (SAD);
  • Can psychiatric medicines help in reducing depression in refugee camps?;
  • What tests are used in psychiatry to diagnose illnesses;
  • The socio-cultural impact of mental disorders;
  • The socio-economic effect of mental disorders;
  • What impact personality can have on the mental health of people.

Eating Disorders Dissertation Ideas

In recent years, issues like body dysmorphia have sky-rocketed because unrealistic body and beauty standards have plagued people’s minds. When a person fails to reach such an impossible standard, they experience negative emotions. So, people will develop insecurities, and their mental condition will deteriorate.

  • Mental health and its correlation with eating disorders;
  • Why are eating disorders diagnosed in more women than men?;
  • How can bullying lead to the development of eating disorders?;
  • Is music therapy an effective way to treat eating disorders and body dysmorphia?;
  • Signs and symptoms exhibited by an individual struggling with eating disorders;
  • What practices can be adopted to help loved ones dealing with eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia?;

To achieve their goal and get rid of these insecurities, they may resort to any means necessary. They may practice severe dietary restrictions or brutal exercise regimes. Consequently, they develop anorexia or bulimia, which are the two most common eating disorders, unfortunately. Anorexic people will limit their food and calorie intake, practically starving themselves to reach their ideal weight. In bulimia, the patient will force themselves to vomit out the food consumed or follow an unhealthy exercise regime.

Some thesis topics about eating disorders are:

  • The difference between purging and non-purging bulimia is the causes, symptoms, and treatment;
  • How does an individual develop bulimia: from the neurobiological responses to society’s influence?;
  • Can self-esteem issues cause anxiety and bulimia?;
  • How does an individual develop anorexia: from the neurobiological responses to society’s influence?;
  • Can an eating disorder like anorexia cause organ failure?

Physical Health Dissertation Ideas

The physical and mental well-being of an individual is intertwined. The stress and trauma of a physical disease can cause a mental disorder, while mental health deterioration leads to unhealthy practices that affect the physical aspects. Some ideas for a thesis are:

  • The correlation between the physical and mental health of patients;
  • The side effects of mental health medication on the human body;
  • The correlation between depression and Alzheimer’s in the elderly?

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Dissertation Ideas

If parents cannot identify that something is amiss and get the required help, the issues will manifest as mental health problems. These will act as hindrances in every aspect of an individual’s life, and they may struggle with reality perception and basic daily tasks. 

  • The effect of technology on the psychological well-being of adolescents;
  • How bullying can lead to depression in adolescents;
  • The struggles adolescents with ADHD face when learning in school;
  • How social anxiety can hinder adolescents from taking advantage of opportunities;
  • Are children of divorced parents more prone to depression?;
  • Can cyberbullying cause social anxiety in adolescents?

Dissertation Ideas for Mental Health Nurses

They have specialized knowledge and work with other medical practitioners to analyze, diagnose, treat, and prevent such illnesses. Some topics are:

  • Ethics in mental health nurses: the role and forbidden practices;
  • The detrimental effects of inefficient scheduling and overworking nurses in a mental hospital;
  • The cause and effect of shortage in nursing staff in the mental health sector;
  • The impact of dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder patients on the psychiatric nurses.

 Writing a thesis about such a multifaceted topic is quite a challenging task, but the complexity of human psychology makes it fascinating. It requires in-depth knowledge of psychology even to begin the research process. The lists of topic ideas above-mentioned will help you in the first step; choosing the right topic and understanding the start line.

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