Computer Science Dissertation Topics

Are you a computer science student looking for dissertation topic ideas? If you’re nodding your head in yes, you are at the right place. We have put together a few lists of topics for different computer science subjects. So, go through the list and choose the most relevant topic to your interest.

Hardware, Network, and Security Dissertation Ideas

The decentralized nature of the network and self-configuring is what gave rise to network security. There are three types of ad-hoc networks: 1) wireless sensor networks, 2) mobile ad-hoc networks 3) vehicular ad-hoc networks. When different kinds of passive and active attacks occur, it threatens the network. And this is what makes network security a wide area of study. So, if you’re looking for some hardware, network, and security topic ideas, here are some computing dissertation ideas:

  • The role of access management in the prevention of authorized attacks
  • WEP is comparatively weaker than WPA: Critical Analysis.
  • The role of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) and WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access) in network security
  • The role of the wireless network in the prevention of any attack on the computers and unauthorized access
  • Modeling network security
  • Classifying anomalies
  • Preventive measures in network security in the age of big data
  • Interactions and patterns in network security
  • Programmable In-Network Security
  • Blockchain technology: Building up smart home network security
  • Effective methods that can be used for network security situation assessment
  • How machine learning boosted network security
  • Neural networks: Network security prediction model
  • Transnational Corporations: Network Security Methods
  • Computer information management technology application in NS
  • Countermeasures of NS based on big data
  • The measures are taken for Computer Network Threat Defense. Critical analysis.
  • Real-time data extraction and long-term evolution of network security
  • Cryptography technology and Network security
  • Network security and communications
  • Public security terminal network. Security analysis.
  • The development of trusted networks.
  • Network security and computer
  • Vulnerability management: A Remote Access Security Model.
  • Various tools and techniques in software requirements understanding in the U.S.
  • Applying the concepts of AI in marketing and advertising
  • Identifying cybersecurity challenges
  • Challenges in database designs
  • What are the security risks when authenticating with e-ID cards?
  • Using Humans as Cyber security sensors.

These dissertation topics in computer science will help you narrow down your interest and give a unique angle to your research.

Software, Programming, and Algorithm Dissertation Ideas

A collection of computer procedures, programs, and documentation are generally known as computer software. As a computer science student, you can choose whatever area of research you want. There are plenty of research areas to choose from, from programming and algorithms to hardware and networking. It all depends on which area of computer science you are interested in. And each of these areas covers a wide range of topics. Some of these topics are widely researched. But, some of them still need more research. So, it is better to choose a topic that is least discovered. If you’re interested in software, programming, and algorithm, here is a list of ideas for a computer science dissertation for you. These ideas will help you generate your unique title and write a compelling thesis. So, let’s put the spotlight on these ideas now:

  • Usage of make languages in the development of web-based management systems
  • Computing association rules: Application and assessment of optimal algorithm in a specific environment
  • Usage of software frameworks in developing work mapping systems and room scheduling
  • Application and assessment of optimal algorithm for generating clusters
  • Sorting networks: Fault-Tolerance analysis
  • Techniques to create a dynamic proxy-based architecture
  • Evaluation, design, and application of web services security framework
  • Fixed control variables of Fault-Tolerant Routing
  • Designing intelligent interfaces: Various techniques that provide a pattern for programming databases
  • Design and application of a device-independent information system for passengers (Taxi/Car/Bus).
  • How to enhance Open Web Architectures. Analyzing different methods
  • Application and assessment of heuristic algorithm for producing optimal and near-optimal classification trees
  • A supple web-based learning environment
  • Web systems for designing intelligent rental car systems
  • The usage of the residue number system in high speed or/and hardware computer arithmetic
  • Testing of embedded software systems: Discussion of different techniques.
  • Mobile code and modular data serialization
  • Distributed java objects in a mobile environment
  • Transportation tracking service
  • Developing a workout tracking mobile application

Information Systems – Computer Science Dissertation Ideas

Are you looking for some computer science dissertation topics related to information systems? If so, you’ve landed on the right page. Computer science students have a wide range of research areas to choose from. Information systems are one of them. This subject is all about the components for gathering, storing, and processing data. Also, these components provide knowledge, information as well as digital products. They can also include the technical side of human-computer interaction. So, if you’re looking for a relevant topic, here are some suggestions that will help you narrow down your interest:

  • Building information systems for an organization: challenges and solutions
  • Change management
  • E-recruitment standards in the future
  • Social network tools: Analysis
  • Adoption and diffusion of ICT: Government policies in the U.S.
  • E-publications and the future of libraries
  • Webspace requirements and their changing nature
  • The impact of e-publishing on library users
  • Impact of cyberinfrastructure on the jobs in the U.S.
  • Impact of cyberinfrastructure on conventional marketing
  • Various models of e-marketing services: Analysis
  • Big data analysis: Managing and tracking traffic fines
  • Intelligent database to store speed limits
  • Enhancing HCI with the help of AI on mobile devices

These dissertation topics for computer science are specifically for information systems. You can shortlist a couple of them and do some initial research on each of them. And, choose the one that interests you the most.

Embedded Systems Dissertation Ideas

Writing a dissertation on embedded systems can be a daunting task unless you’re an IT geek. Embedded systems are just one area of computer science with a wide range of topics. If you’re confused and asking around who can write my dissertation for me, search online. There are quite a few reliable writing services online that help hundreds of students every day with their dissertations. Their writers are experienced, educated, and skilled in writing all kinds of dissertations. Whether you are an undergrad or a Ph.D. student, they have covered you.

You can even ask them to help you choose the best topic for yourself. But, if the topic is something you want to select yourself, here is a list of dissertation topics in computer science that are specifically related to embedded systems. Going through this list will help you brainstorm more ideas and create a title that interests you the most. Also, it is recommended to do some initial research on the topic before finalizing it. So, let’s put the spotlight on the list of ideas on embedded systems:

  • Embedded systems through rehosting: Enabling security analyses
  • Digital transformation of organizations in the embedded systems
  • Code compression techniques: Newest developments
  • How to deal with uncertainty in collaborative, embedded systems
  • Technical foundations
  • Processing techniques of animal tumor image analysis
  • Soft error handling
  • HRM performance assessment model
  • Porting and execution of anomaly detection models
  • What are the challenges faced in Embedded Real-Time Image Processing?
  • Advanced system engineering
  • Architectures for Dynamically Coupled Systems
  • Vehicle Internet of Things: Its design and implementation
  • Multi-Fidelity Digital Twins
  • Task Sequencing in Frame-Based CPS
  • Stochastic Model of a Sensor Node

Dissertation Ideas on Cloud Computing

Computer science dissertation ideas are in good numbers out there in the world. Look around and witness enormous applications oozing out for cloud computing solutions. This branch of advanced computer sciences has emerged as a rescue technology for times to come. So, you will easily find dissertation writing ideas in abundance. Here are a few updated topics that will ease up your path to great scores.

  • What is more lethal? A coordinated attack through a giant network of numerous attackers vs an attack by a lone attacker
  • Draw an analysis on data security in the age of cloud computing
  • Debate on the need for regulations and compliance for both the user and provider of cloud computing services
  • Storing data on multiple cloud platforms. How is it more beneficial?
  • Discuss the pros and cons of synchronized data back upon multiple clouds
  • Preventive measures and proactive detection of an emergency. Discuss how cloud-based intelligence is the solution
  • Avoiding forgeries and a proactive approach to tackle fraudulent activities. Discuss the role of XSS mutations and XSSR
  • Cloud computing can be used for special audits, monitoring, evaluation, quality assurance measures, and security controls
  • Cyber attacks and cloud computing
  • How to prevent cyber-terrorists from attacking your server using cloud computing?
  • What measures are taken to encrypt and protect data in cloud computing?
  • Discuss the role of cloud computing in the next five years time. What futuristic developments are on the cards keeping cloud computing solutions in mind?
  • Draw a detailed review on data retention and data destruction in cloud computing
  • Increasing cloud computing solutions and the need to secure smart home networks
  • Implementation of systems security in cloud computing
  • Describe reasons why internal personnel is required in cloud computing. Also, discuss their roles and responsibilities.
  • More and more organizations are now getting digitized. Discuss how cloud computing is helpful in smooth operations and management functions.
  • Cloud computing and the advantages of applying hybrid security apparatus to combine physical and virtual assets

Dissertation Topics Ideas on Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more applicable in day-to-day operations on both individual and institutional levels. Therefore, the need for research and advanced learning is also taking center stage. The technology keeps on upgrading with each passing moment. Here is a list of Computer science dissertation topics for artificial intelligence.

  • The future world and the role of artificial intelligence
  • Blockchain technology and artificial intelligence
  • The scope of Machine learning (ML) in artificial intelligence is to boost accuracy, outcomes, and predictability in software applications
  • Discuss how deep learning in artificial intelligence will make life easier in the future. Put forward a detailed analysis of how driverless cars will be a great breakthrough through deep learning
  • Debate how humanoid machines will now function more efficiently and will be able to think like humans with the help of artificial intelligence
  • Give a detailed analysis of Reinforcement learning as an integral breakthrough in artificial intelligence
  • Discuss how the banking sector can benefit from the new technology. Elaborate on the role of artificial intelligence in banking bots
  • Artificial intelligence and the internet of things
  • Discuss the role of artificial intelligence in the medical field. Detailed analysis of the heart disease prediction project
  • The advantage of recommender systems through artificial intelligence and the scope of better customer services
  • Research on the pros and cons of artificial intelligence in computer vision
  • How artificial intelligence is transforming the world
  • Can robots replace humans soon?
  • Voice-based virtual assistance for Windows
  • Facial emotion recognition and detection: An Analysis
  • How artificial intelligence is helping teachers detect plagiarism
  • Personality prediction system for recruiting managers
  • Heart disease prediction for patients at risk of heart diseases.
  • The development of banking bots to help customers.
  • Image destruction by using an occluded scene.
  • How helpful is filtering the content and identifying spam?

All in all, the topics mentioned under each heading are research areas in themselves. Choose the one that seems interesting to you and do some initial research on it. If the topic needs more discovery, it is an opportunity for you to contribute your research in the field of computer science.

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