MBA Dissertation Topics

A dissertation is a crucial part of an MBA degree. However, it can get overwhelming when there are so many responsibilities to juggle around with. If you are about to start one and need a little kick start, this guide is the right place to be.

Dissertation Topics For MBA Finance

MBA degree requires years of constant hard work, and one of the many aspects that make it even more challenging is a dissertation. It requires much research work, practice, technical writing, structuring, formatting, and whatnot. On top of it, many students are guilty of procrastinating and leaving it for the very last of their degree program, which is not recommended at all but is still understandable. If you find yourself stuck in an undesirable situation like this, do not lose hope. There are plenty of credible and helpful services you can avail of that can help you in writing your dissertation in a week.

On the contrary, selecting a topic can be just as daunting as writing the dissertation itself if you are doing it yourself. Making this mistake in the initial stages can cause you a major setback later. You cannot afford that. Hence, thinking strategically and finalizing a good topic is imperative. A great tip is to select a topic aligned with your interests. It will motivate you to explore the depths of a subject that genuinely excites you, and you will not consider it an academic burden anymore. If you are interested in the field of finance, below are a few MBA dissertation topics that have great potential:

  • Studying stock options in emerging economies
  • Is cryptocurrency going to take over the monetary world in the future?
  • Cost-benefit analysis of digitization of money transferring technology
  • How can corruption impact the FDI inflows of a country?
  • The role of gold as an investable commodity
  • The effect of GST on the attractiveness of an economy for multinational companies
  • Private sector banks vs. public sector banks. How does market share differ?
  • How can risk be minimized while dealing with internet banking?
  • How can identity theft be prevented when transferring money online?
  • Critical evaluation of microfinancing as a method of raising capital
  • The factors to consider while issuing a long-term loan for a startup business.

MBA Dissertation Topics In Management

Management and business go hand in hand. It would not be wrong to say that this is a field that is of utmost importance and is incorporated in one form or another in the courses of undergraduate and post-graduate business degrees all across the world. Business management is a skill that is required in all organizations regardless of their nature and size. It is what gets things done and goals achieved. It helps motivate employees, achieve efficiency, even a competitive advantage, and establish healthy industrial relations. Without business management, converting raw materials into end products effectively and efficiently will not be possible. It defeats the basic purpose of conducting business. This is why students are taught various courses relating to this, like strategic management, management, organization, etc. Similarly, using this field to write your dissertation will always be a good idea. Below written are research dissertation topics for management students that can be very valuable for dissertation writing:

  • How can corporate social responsibility be integrated into a business model?
  • Should reputational management be a priority for managers and leaders all across the globe?
  • How can optimal management of resources lead to the achievement of competitive advantage?
  • How is emotional management important in the context of a workplace setting?
  • The change in organizational management practices during the time of COVID-19
  • Do organizations require to focus on separating management from leadership to achieve effective corporate strategies?
  • Is the separation of management from leadership crucial for achieving corporate strategies effectively?
  • Evaluating different types of leadership management
  • The benefits of the just-in-time inventory management system
  • The increasing popularity of innovation management for multinational companies

MBA Dissertation Topics In Human Resource Management (HR)

All other resources can be replicated and imitated. Human capital is an asset that a company owns which is hardest to clone. Hence, the employees must be treated so that they feel valued. Studies show that it requires a recruit around seven months to be able to operate at a level of an old employee. This means an organization has to use a lot more time and resources to train a new hire. It can all be prevented if the current employees are retained. This is exactly where the role of an effective HR comes in, and it does not limit here. Human resource management includes identifying the need to hire, the actual hiring process, training employees, motivating them, designing their compensation plans, and knowing when and how to fire an employee. All organizations perform these activities regardless of having a proper HR system in place. This makes this field very interesting and relevant. Suppose you specialize in HR and need a good topic to start with. Here are a few examples of MBA dissertation topics:

  • How can an organization maintain healthy relationships with its employees by assessing the effectiveness of strategic human resource management models?
  • Strategies to improve employee motivation and their retention rate
  • How can a strategic reward system incentivize the workforce to improve their productivity?
  • Significance of a performance appraisal system for the success of a business
  • Different forms of training and their impact on the employee and the organization
  • How have the training needs changed during the pandemic?
  • The significance of a training needs assessment before conducting actual sessions
  • How can employee turnover be reduced?
  • Evaluation of different theories of motivation and how can they be implemented in real-life?
  • The role of HR forecasting in achieving an organization’s long-term goals.

MBA Dissertation Topics In Project Management

Project management is the key to the success of every organization. It is the set of methods, processes, techniques, strategies, and skills required to achieve predetermined goals efficiently. The significance of project management can be realized because many companies have started having a specialized department dedicated to it. Universities have followed their lead and offer different project management courses to prepare students for the corporate world. If you need help with brainstorming ideal topics relevant to this field, a list below has been developed by dissertation writing experts to help you out for your MBA dissertation. Let’s take a look:

  • How has work culture changed post this pandemic, and what measures are required to stay on track?
  • The role of artificial intelligence in an organization’s project management
  • What soft skills are recruiters seeking for an ideal project manager?
  • How can stakeholder relationships affect the efficiency of project managers?
  • What are hybrid project management and its future in the corporate world?
  • What communication strategy is the best for keeping project management working amidst COVID-19
  • The role of government in improving project management
  • How can conflict of interest deteriorate project management?
  • How has digitization changed the game for project management in the current times?
  • Analyzing different factors causing bottlenecks in project management

MBA Dissertation Topics In International Business

With the elimination of barriers to communication, the transfer of information, products, and people have become possible and even convenient. Businesses are no longer interested in limiting their operations only to the home industry. They have learned the potential they have by penetrating international markets. Other than this, knowledge of international markets is also crucial if a business is going to be dealing with international clients. This has made the field of international business valuation for any business-related degree and is exactly why you are a good candidate for your dissertation. Here is a list of MBA dissertation topics on the international business you can take inspiration from:

  • Conventional banking vs. online banking. Challenges and opportunities in international business
  • How can education in international business boost career success?
  • What are the macro and micro factors that influence the success of a business when penetrating an international market?
  • Evaluation of different models to analyze the attractiveness of an international business
  • What cultural barriers can hinder the growth of a business in an international environment?
  • The influence of multinationals on small-sized enterprises?
  • What are the barriers to entry every business should be aware of?
  • How can training employees help in the new global economy?
  • Is outsourcing the more cost-efficient way of hiring help in an international market?
  • The role of globalization in improving the living standards all across the globe

MBA Dissertation Topics In IT

IT has taken over the world. No business can survive and sustain in this cutthroat competitive market without staying on the top of the game. A business student is well aware of the impacts and consequences IT can have on a business and its success. Most of the operations have been switched to an online medium and automated, and there is a lot more in work those businesses will be using shortly. A business graduate needs to have complete information about any tool or technology that can soon disrupt the market. This makes working on an IT topic for a dissertation not only exciting but very informative. The growth of technological development has been exponential, which means a student has plenty of interesting options to choose from. Nonetheless, make sure you have enough online content on the topic of choice. To make the process easier for you, some topics for MBA dissertation projects are highlighted below:

  • How is 5g going to change the world?
  • The benefits of cloud computing and their uses for a business
  • The role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in making organizational processes more efficient
  • The increasing need for business information technology when it comes to auditing and control
  • How does an integrated information technology help business operation?
  • How does innovation go hand in hand with information technology?
  • Its role of It in ensuring the security of online transactions
  • How can a developed IT system provide a competitive advantage to a business?
  • The correlation between information technology and customer relationship management
  • The correlation between information technology and supply chain management

Catchy MBA Dissertation Topics

A dissertation is a lengthy document. Writing it is undoubtedly not a walk in the park. You want to make sure that it is interesting for you to write and that it doesn’t bore or overwhelm the reader. This does not depend entirely on your writing skills but also on your chosen topic. Thus, try making it as gripping as possible so that your dissertation can stand out among the sea of other dissertations and get you the A you have always wanted. Several topics have already been listed earlier, but they were specific to different fields of MBA. Here are a few more topics for an MBA project that you can use to make sure the audience stays glued to your hard work from beginning to end:

  • The role of effective communication in an organization
  • The consequences of technology taking over the world of management
  • How has social media boosted economic productivity in today’s era?
  • Is COVID-19 a blessing in disguise for the corporate world?
  • How is business analytics changing the marketing game for all businesses?
  • Porter’s generic strategies for gaining a competitive advantage. Which one to go after?
  • Is incorporating CSR in the business model only a marketing gimmick?
  • The significance of Integrated marketing communications for the success of a marketing campaign
  • How can the stages of a business lifecycle affect the marketing strategies?

Delivering a flawless dissertation is your chance to showcase the knowledge and skills gathered during the degree. MBA degree is not complete without a dissertation, and feeling lost in the initial phases is understandable. With the help above, you have plenty of exciting options. Good luck!

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