Geography Dissertation Topics

It does not matter at which level a student is attending college, he or she must acquire amazing writing and researching skills to write superb dissertations to pass the exams.

Geography is a rich field with various sub-fields and branches that deal with different areas of research, including an interdisciplinary focus.

This article has some amazing Geography dissertation topic ideas that will kick start the writing and researching process.

Physical Geography Dissertation Ideas

In Geography, the main focus of the study is on the physical, quantifiable features of the earth, including climates, soils, landforms, etc. The field started to grow muscles in the mid-1800s till the 1930s.

For students at any level, researching and writing a dissertation on Geography topics can not only fetch great scores but also clarity and in-depth knowledge of the branch.

Here are some great Physical Geography dissertation titles:

  • What is the environmental impact of the COVID19 pandemic’s reduced migration and tourism?
  • Is current technology capable of preventing and removing oceanic plastic pollution?
  • What are the most effective 21st-century tools for combating desertification?
  • Is it possible to use environmental conservation as a geopolitical tool for peacekeeping?
  • Can geospatial monitoring of flood-prone areas help policymakers make better decisions and prepare for severe weather?
  • Can GIS and smart planning be used for sustainable agro-ecological zoning and crop types?
  • Can drone technology be used to survey the topography and stability of the seabed?
  • Can green spaces in cities be used to reduce habitat fragmentation?
  • The formation of coral reefs and how they are used.
  • Different types of landforms depend on the location’s elevation.
  • Geographical barriers to cultural development are significant.
  • What is the basis of continental drift theory, and why is it relevant today?
  • What is there in the earth’s core, and how deep does it go?

Human Geography Dissertation Ideas

Human Geography is the study of the interaction between human activities and the effects on the environment and vice versa.

From dealing with issues related to flooding and human displacement to the causes and effects of immigration and displacement of geographical units.

This is a rich field for writing dissertation ideas in Human Geography. Here are suggestions for doing research and writing dissertations:

  • The geographic variation affects how people behave in different areas.
  • Why do every culture’s needs change with distance?
  • What kinds of physical differences could people have depending on their location?
  • The impact of physical landforms on human life.
  • The concept of biodiversity refers to how differences in different regions help to maintain different animal species.
  • Physical differences in different places have disadvantages.
  • Is it beneficial to overcome the topographic differences that exist between regions?
  • Humans are exposed to different diseases depending on their geographic location.
  • Why do people who live in the hills have a higher red blood cell count than those who live on the plains?
  • Distinguish between physical and anatomical variations, as well as the impact of the environment on them.
  • What is the geographic impact of post-BREXIT trade changes in the UK and Europe?
  • Is green infrastructure a top priority for city revitalization?
  • Does current research effectively monitor rural health disparities?
  • Is geothermal technology a viable option in the United Kingdom for social housing and infrastructure?
  • Is commerce a reliable indicator of long-term agricultural and food supply?
  • Can GIS be used to assess educational spatial equality?

Political Geography Dissertation Ideas

When it comes to Political Geography, this branch deals with the study and interaction with boundaries, divisions, and geographical structure of states.

It is a sub-branch in both Political Science and Geography that deals with political phenomenons and how they affect the outcomes in terms of both human and geographical elements.

Following are some amazing Geography dissertation ideas that can kick start the process when someone is searching online for “do my dissertation“:

  • What role did pressure groups play in the development of Heathrow Airport?
  • The reasoning behind Gorkhaland’s demand; a possible division of West Bengal, India
  • Explain how political consequences led to the formation of several US states.
  • Rivers are responsible for the development of waterfront properties and the subsequent growth of structures.
  • How Ireland creates a distinct identity to set itself apart from England
  • How the lack of clear borders between African states led to colonial ventures
  • The complex relationship between the government and the governed, and how each holds the cards of the other
  • How racial feelings contribute to the formation of sectarian countries like Honduras
  • China’s unusual trade plans continue to thwart the global expansion plan.
  • How territorial boundaries would have hampered countries’ potential growth if they had remained undivided
  • How could Russia have grown exponentially if its northern section was not perpetually ice-bound?
  • How the Third World mentality acts as a crab mentality, suffocating development against Global Warming
  • The Middle East is an example of how religious factions lead to regional groupings of states.
  • How the United Nations’ attempt at groupings (G7, G30) reveals sectarian bias and compensation

Dissertation Ideas Related to Climate Change

Climate change is a reality. In the last couple of decades, many developments are happening in this area that requires both academic endeavours as well as practical steps to safeguard precious natural resources.

For students who want to write on trending relevant topics in climate change, here is a definitive list of topics to write a dissertation in Geography:

  •  What impact does energy supply disruption have on Critical National Infrastructure and climate change risks?
  • What’s next for carbon capture credit after it fails to reduce climate change?
  • What security implications does climate change have in the United Kingdom?
  • Will climate migration have an impact on UK urban development?
  • Is urban inequality between socioeconomic groups widening as a result of climate change, and what can be done to close the gap?
  • How can science be used to distinguish between extreme weather events and long-term environmental change as a result of climate change?
  • The significance of remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS).
  • Bioremediation has an impact.
  • Are acid rains linked to global industrial activities?
  • The significance of preserving the Antarctic.
  • The most common causes of groundwater contamination and the risks that come with them.
  • The most effective way to protect the ozone layer.
  • Is deep-sea mining environmentally friendly?
  • The Role of Ice Age in Climate Change

Easy Geography Dissertation Ideas

For students at both undergraduate and graduate levels, such as students of BSc Geography, it is not required to have a deep understanding of ideas and their application. Still, they need to write dissertations to pass classes for graduation. This is where this amazing list of easy Geography dissertation topics comes into the picture:

  • The significance of geography education.
  • What causes landslides?
  • Volcanoes of various types.
  • Climate change’s consequences.
  • The Ozone Layer: Everything You Need to Know
  • The average temperature of the earth’s surface.
  • The earth’s different layers
  • The consequences of ozone depletion in the stratosphere.
  • The process of acid rain formation.
  • Fossils are discovered and studied.
  • The carbon cycle is divided into stages.
  • Human geography and natural geography are compared.
  • Human geography’s major issues are studied.
  • The relationship between urban geography and business.
  • The value of studying Geography in today’s world

Urban Geography Dissertation Topics

Study Urban Geography means dealing with the study of urban forces and processes that shape modern human activities are studied under Urban Geography. Instead of focusing on the natural environment and phenomena, the branch deals with the physics and chemistry of artificial Geographical elements.

Here is a list of Geography dissertation topics related to Urban Geography:

  • A review of the main strengths and weaknesses of qualitative and quantitative approaches to urban geography research based on the literature
  • Gentrification has evolved into a “global urban strategy” (Smith, 2002): A comparison of water-side redevelopment projects
  • The changing geography and governance of cities
  • Middlesbrough: Social and community cohesion patterns in urban spaces
  • Planting schemes in the urban environment to improve terrorism security
  • The Application of Key Concepts in Urban Geography in Modern Metropolises
  • A Study of Key Urban Geographic Factors in the Soviet Union and the United States
  • Landscape Policies vs. Nature Policies: A bone of contention or a disguised blessing
  • Small Urban Centers Matter Exposed Cities and Mapping the Urban Invisible Elements in Urban Geography

Interesting Geography Dissertation Ideas

It is simply a matter of personal preference as to what Geography dissertation topics people might find interesting. Anyone interested in studying geographical elements and processes can always find many things interested in Geography.

Still, here are some “fun” and interesting Human Geography dissertation ideas to write on:

  • What role does reforestation play in environmental restoration?
  • Groundwater contamination’s main causes.
  • The rarity of extinct animals and coastal erosion.
  • How should real-life sustainable consumption be implemented?
  • The effect of desertification on local wildlife.
  • In different parts of the world, Urban Geographers manage water.
  • Examine the world’s various resources. Are they distributed evenly?
  • How can humanity use the greenhouse effect to its advantage?
  • Recycling is the most effective way to save the environment.
  • How does the ecosystem respond to natural disasters such as forest fires?
  • The environmental significance of small water bodies.
  • The significance of paleoecology research for university students.
  • The most effective way to save the planet is to improve the ecosystem.
  • The ecosystem’s response to seasonal weather variations

Historical Geography Dissertation Ideas

Historical Geography is an important sub-branch of Geography that deals with the changes and the causes and effects of those changes in the geographical landscape with time.

From studying the wars and settlements of ancient times to studying phenomenons of the modern world, the following are some classic Historical Geography dissertation topics:

  • Human geography’s sub-disciplinary fields.
  • Climate change is exacerbated by human activities.
  • The environmental consequences of mining.
  • Ozone depletion is caused by human activities.
  • Agriculture’s past and present.
  • The human impact of fishing
  • How has agriculture changed as weather patterns have changed?
  • Urbanization’s impact on natural resources.
  • The relationship between cultural and human geography.
  • Human geography and physical geography are compared.
  • Human geography’s major issues are studied.
  • The relationship between urban geography and business.
  • The value of studying human geography in today’s world

Research-Based Geography Dissertation Ideas

For students at both graduate and post-graduate levels, it is expected for them to showcase their intense and in-depth research and writing skills. This is where research-based dissertation ideas come into the picture as they offer immense potential to dig deeper for passing classes.

Here are some great suggestions in this regard:

  • How does a dormant volcano erupt over time?
  • The theories surrounding the formation of continents.
  • Factors that encourage the growth of hyacinths in bodies of water.
  • Methods for reducing and eliminating hyacinth in bodies of water.
  • The various vegetation types.
  • Examine the human evolution through Economic Geography
  • Conditions that encourage the development of various types of vegetation.
  • The various activities that early men engaged in.
  • Acid rain’s consequences
  • The impact of fossil fuels on the environment
  • What role does climate play in the distribution of various animals across different regions?
  • The impact of weather research.
  • Deforestation’s major consequences

Social Geography Dissertation Ideas

Social Geography is a sub-field of Human Geography that deals with the relationship between space and society, with a special focus on social phenomena and their spatial counterpart.

It is a rich field that deals with the elements and their dynamics in both time and space.

Following are some of the best Social Geography dissertation ideas:

  • The most important factors that cause forest fires.
  • Energy conservation as a means of combating climate change.
  • How can different climatic regions be defined globally?
  • The various methods for reducing soil erosion.
  • The consequences of a high humidity environment.
  • Land breeze vs. sea breeze
  • Activities carried out on a hill or mountain’s leeward side
  • Landslides and earthquakes are two different things.
  • A tsunami’s formation in North-Eastern Thailand.
  • The ocean is said to be a carbon sink for greenhouse gases.
  • The formation of ice glaciers.
  • Soil erosion in various stages.
  • Consider how the water cycle works


There is no denying that writing a dissertation is a hard task. Apart from writing and researching a dissertation, it is necessary to choose the best topic for the dissertation that is both relevant and in-depth. The above-mentioned dissertation topics will help students in understanding each sub-branch as well as deal with its research and writing processes.

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