Politics Dissertation Topics

Are you a political science student? Looking for some interesting ideas for your dissertation? If yes, you’re at the right place. From undergrad to Ph.D., below are some great topic ideas for students of all educational levels. You can either use the topic or create a title on it from a different angle.

Best Politics Dissertation Topics

It is now fairly easy to find good dissertation topics in politics over the internet. However, good marks are only guaranteed with impactful dissertation ideas and topics. Here are some powerful politics thesis writing topics.

  • The new age politics and the role of mass media platforms. Discuss the dissemination of political perceptions and their efficacy.
  • World politics before and after 9/11
  • The world powers are on the verge of again entering into Block politics. What lessons should be kept in mind from the cold war era?
  • How does the rise of political extremism lead to polarization in society? Build your case on the political propaganda strategies used by players on both domestic and foreign fronts.
  • Draw a detailed comparison between modern-day dictatorships and weak democracies.
  • Why are third-world countries unable or struggling to get the fruits of the Western democratic systems in their countries? Discuss the Pros and cons of western democracy in third-world countries.
  • Conservatism Vs social reforms.
  • Role of US foreign policy and the domestic political upheaval in the Middle Eastern states.
  • Weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, and their effects on the political systems across the globe.

Easy Politics Dissertation Topics

Is the deadline fast approaching? Looking for some easy politics dissertation topics? These are topic ideas that don’t require in-depth research. Or in other words, these are pretty manageable during a strict or short deadline. You certainly won’t be facing issues with research material for the below-mentioned topics.

  • Run a comparison between the US and the UK foreign policies.
  • Impact of culture, social norms, and values on the political landscape.
  • Discuss how the first world is responsible for global poverty
  • Compare the human rights violation in Kashmir, China, and Palestine. Also, put forward recommendations in the light of United Nations resolutions.
  • What is the difference between presidential and parliamentary democracy?
  • The dismantling of the USSR.
  • Role of media and accountability assistance in country’s political landscape.
  • Discuss the importance of local body government for a better democracy.
  • Modern-day politics and The Republic by Plato. Discuss impacts.

These dissertation topics require minimum research work and can be completed with ease. Many students find it difficult to complete final year dissertations. Are you in the same boat? If so, you may opt for a reliable writing service that can help you write a dissertation. You need to share your requirements with their writers and leave the rest to them.

Dissertation Topics In Political Science

It is a vast yet very interesting field of study. It revolves around institution analysis, domestic and international politics, and government structures. Sounds complicated? Don’t worry; many students face the same situation. Give a glance at these politics dissertation topic ideas. Reading twice and thinking thrice is advised before finalizing your topic of dissertation.

  • Elaborate on behavioral Approach in comparison with two Party system and single-party rule.
  • Presidential democracy is better than Parliamentary Democracy. Discuss the Pros and cons.
  • Discuss the notion that American Government is based on Anglo-Saxon practices.
  • The Soviet Union and its increasing tension with the European Union.
  • Develop a systematic review of the apartheid Phenomenon
  • China is climbing the success ladder rapidly. Detail a review is coming soon. Elaborate on the Chinese Communist Party Hierarchy
  • War in Afghanistan and the political turmoil
  • Role of deep state and establishment in running the affairs of the country.
  • Climate change is now being considered to be a security threat.
  • How true and logical does the statement stand? “World war 3” will be fought for water.
  • Economic stability is impossible without Political stability. Debate.
  • Community development methods and the strength it gives to domestic politics.
  • Give a detailed literature review on the famous movement in South Africa. One man, one vote.
  • Political unrest and public safety.
  • Economy and the role of the private sector.
  • Discuss how the rule of law is important for better economic growth.
  • What traits are prevalent in a true statesman? Discuss the role of leadership in your country.
  • Elaborate on the power of Public administration. How poor public administration leads to chaotic societies.
  • Fiscal management and the role of international monetary institutions.

Political Geography Dissertation Ideas

Political geography fuses the strains of geography and politics mechanically. It is what makes it a dynamic subject. It is so vast that students can trace governance, racism, and immigrants all in its core. So, if you have to write a thesis on a political geography topic, remember it needs to stick with the core significance of the subject. And it must not overlap with other subjects. Thereby, choosing the right political geography topic becomes extremely crucial. Here are some topic ideas to help you with the process:

How colonialism still exists in certain countries. How it is displayed in their traditions and lifestyle.

  • How the construction of Heathrow Airport was propelled by Pressure Groups.
  • The demand of Gorkhaland: the logic behind and the probable division of India and West Bengal.
  • What factors lead to the Fall of West Bengal?
  • How did political ramifications cause the creation of some of the states of America?
  • How does Ireland create its unique identification to differentiate itself from the rest of the UK?
  • The colonial enterprises in Africa: How does the vagueness of boundaries between various states of Africa impact it?
  • The complex connection between the governed and the Government: How both hold each other’s cards.
  • Do racial sentiments result in the formation of sectarian countries?
  • The expectations of different territories within a country from the Government.
  • How does China keep beating the international expansion plan via unconventional trade plans?
  • How territorial boundaries inhibit the potential growth of West and East Pakistan if it remained undivided.
  • How does the disputed Kashmir impact the geopolitics of the world?
  • How disputed Kashmir impact the relationship between India and Pakistan?
  • How did the Israel-Palestine conflict impact the image of Israel to the world?
  • How do Arabs and non-Arabs live in harmony in Jerusalem despite political tension?
  • If northern Russia had not been perpetually ice-laden, Russia could have developed significantly. Discuss.
  • The reasons behind the non-development of the Third World countries.
  • Why do the developed countries keep developing and the developing countries are not developing?
  • How did colonial determinations impact the nascent countries?
  • How is Palestine forced to be a part of Israel?
  • How are some states born out of the free will?
  • How is the UN dealing with the territorial disputes of Palestine and Kashmir?
  • Is there a political solution to the conflict in Palestine?
  • Why did the Russian strikes on Ukraine make the entire world against Russia?
  • Were the strikes on Ukraine by Russia justified?
  • Is the occupation of Kashmir by India justified?
  • How long will the conflict between Israel and Palestine continue?
  • How is social media shrinking the world?
  • The role of media in building the public perception of the Palestine-Israel Conflict.
  • How social media impacts the geopolitics of the world?
  • How does social media have a role in bringing out the true side of some political conflicts?

Political Theory Dissertation Topics

Political theory is a wide area, and it overlaps with many other areas of political science. Here are some politics dissertation ideas of political theory:

  • United States VS the United Kingdom foreign policies.
  • How does foreign policy impact its relationships with the rest of the world?
  • Cultural pressures between Japan and the US.
  • The justification of liberal democracy.
  • The ideology of the Soviet Union.
  • The causes of the American Revolution.
  • Pos-Socialists Transition methods.
  • Elections ethics.
  • The commercial exploitation: Privacy Law.
  • The analysis of Federal Emergency Management Agency.
  • The analysis of Judicial Review Argumentation.
  • How is social media influencing politics today?
  • The impact of COVID-19 on world politics.
  • Censorship and the political atmosphere.
  • How easy it is for political leaders to influence people through social media?
  • The political changes in Australia.
  • The post 9/11 America-Pakistan relationship and its impact on the world.
  • The political interest of the West in the Israel-Palestine Conflict.
  • The relationship between social reform and conservatism.
  • The impact of news media on politics.
  • The relationship between religion, terrorism, and politics. Critical analysis.
  • How can the nuclear war impact the present political system?
  • The impact of American foreign policy on the world.
  • Can news media propagate political thoughts?
  • Should social media be used to shape people’s political perceptions?
  • Has social media made political leaders more answerable to the public?
  • Political issues and colonial rule in Africa.
  • Why is the recognition of Palestine as a separate state so complex?
  • Strategies to resolve the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • Pakistan-Afghanistan relationship post 9/11.

International Relations Dissertation Topics

The relationship between countries concerning trade, cooperation, wars, and politics falls under the umbrella of international relations. Wondering what topic holds the potential to score high grades? Here are a few political dissertation ideas on international relations.

  • Analyze the mutual cooperation between countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine disbursement to poor countries, and WHO’s role.
  • Geostrategic or Ideological? Discuss the Russia-Ukraine war.
  • Assess the reasons behind the Russia-Ukraine war and its impact on the international oil price hike.
  • Critically analyze why different countries are working on the lines of new global order post the Corona pandemic?
  • Indian hegemonic attitude towards Pakistan, Kashmir issue, and the role of UN.
  • Discuss Israel’s recent foreign policy goals and normalization of ties with several Arab states in the Middle East.
  • Why is the Middle East gaining so much weight in the eyes of the West? Discuss in detail the economic factors.
  • China’s rapid economic growth is creating waves in the power corridors of the United States of America.

US Foreign Policy Dissertation Topics

The United States of America, the US has a fair bit of influence on global politics due to its foreign policy. The US, being the most powerful, stable, and economic hub of the world, has had very interesting and informative foreign policies over the years. Here’s a sneak into a few dissertation topics on US foreign policy.

  • Discuss how overall US foreign policy is now narrowing down to China containment policy.
  • What threats do the US face regarding China’s economic development and rapid growth?
  • Debate whether the US foreign policy goals and objectives are justified by other sovereign nations.
  • Give a detailed assessment of US foreign policy matters regarding the role of NATO and the Russia Ukraine war.
  • Critically analyze where the US foreign policy stands in the next 5 years? Keeping in mind the depreciating economic development and growth of the US.
  • Discuss the role of the pentagon in the US foreign policy matters.
  • In the light of wars fought by the US worldwide, regime change, and military involvement in different conflicts, is it fair to criticize that US foreign policy is hegemonic?
  • What major shift was observed in the US foreign policy goals post 9/11 terrorism attacks?

All of the topics mentioned above can be used creatively for your thesis. Whether you are a Ph.D. or an undergrad, these topics are sure to help you create your own unique dissertation title. These topics are sure to open up your mind and help you choose the right one for you.

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