Criminology Dissertation Topics

Criminology is a field of study that studies different areas and aspects of crime. It also searches for causes, corrections, and prevention from other disciplines like psychology, biology, anthropology, and economics. Criminology Ph.D. students are asked to write a thesis in their final year. Here are some criminology dissertation topics for you to consider:

Policing Dissertation Ideas

Criminology is a specific study that aims to discuss everything related to crime. It is the study of a crime from a social perspective. It examines who commits crimes and why they perpetuate them. If you are a student of Ph.D. looking to write a thesis on the subject, here are some criminology dissertation ideas for you to consider:

  • Juvenile delinquents in prison and how police should treat them
  • In-depth analysis of policing techniques
  • Investigate cases of sexual violence and abuse in prisons
  • Explore reasons why high-profile murder cases should be kept separate
  • How can prisons become harbingers of change?
  • Is the death penalty a good decision in the justice system? How has it affected a drop-in crime rate?
  • What policing strategies have lowered crime rates in a particular region?
  • Gender discrimination in the police force
  • The issue of police brutality in prisons
  • Racism in prisons and cases of police brutality due to color
  • Administration in police – Structure and hierarchy
  • Trust and ethics in criminal profiling against African Americans
  • Local police responses to acts of terrorism
  • Validate points related to parental divorce and violence
  • Is modern technology responsible for the increasing crime rate?

Crime and Justice Dissertation Ideas

Maintaining peace and order in a society is a challenging task. Criminology is a vast field of study that highlights crime and criminal negligence incidents and helps you understand crime, policy, and social justice. Students of criminology are doing an in-depth analysis of the reasons for crime and why people become hardcore criminals. Choosing a negative path and becoming a criminal have many causes. People who are unhappy and not contented with their lives become criminals. Sexual abuse victims and children watching domestic violence at a young age become like their perpetrators. Here is a list of criminology topics for you to consider:

  • Analyze the discrimination against crime
  • Elaborate on the impact of gender on crime violations
  • Is bullying an offense or a crime punishable by law?
  • What is homicide, and what triggers one person to kill another?
  • Impact of various drug types on users
  • Analyzing law that protects domestic violence victims
  • Issues of crime and justice in the US
  • Poor living conditions in prison – is this justifiable?
  • Elucidate how justice prevails in the courtroom
  • Society’s treatment of criminals

Good Criminology Dissertation Topics

Crime in society has many facets. People commit crimes for a variety of reasons. As a criminology student, you should focus on any aspect and select your topic accordingly. You will find plenty of research proposal topics. You must choose any issue that you find innovative and intriguing. Students who search for interesting topics can write unique content. Your professor will likely grade you well if your dissertation is well-researched and provides enough value to the reader. But if you select a topic that you are not passionate about, your thesis will be bland. It is essential that you genuinely put your heart and soul into research.

Sometimes students are busy with other assignments and research work. They seldom get the time to prepare for their criminology dissertations. Such students can easily hire a writing service to do them. Students can ask someone to write my dissertation and expect to earn good grades from their professor.

Criminology is a delicate subject, and it needs special care. Take a look at some of the best criminology dissertation topics and ideas and choose the one that best fits your needs.

  • Elaborate on types and kinds of various serial killers
  • Consuming drugs and problems for the youth
  • Causes of victimization and how you can easily prevent it
  • Rights of the victims of rape and abduction
  • Discuss human trafficking in the modern world
  • Is underage marriage a crime?
  • The increasing crime rate among young people whose parents went through a divorce
  • Is the internet causing a rise in the crime rate?
  • Discuss the reasons, causes, and effects of social media on the increasing crime rate
  • Compare and contrast criminal cases
  • Torture is a general policing strategy in underdeveloped countries. Explore the reasons
  • Cybercrimes and how to approach, detect and investigate them
  • Is the ratio of crime increasing among college dropouts?
  • Is it acceptable to let go rape perpetrators on bail?
  • Is it essential to have parental supervision and control to curb the increasing crime rate?
  • Elaborate and explain the thin line between criminology and law enforcement.
  • Is there domestic violence only against women?
  • Can any society be crime-free?
  • Mental disorders that persuade teenagers to commit grave crimes
  • Common causes and reasons for increasing crime rate in young kids
  • The state of juvenile delinquents in prisons

Masters and Ph.D. Criminology Dissertation Ideas

Pursuing a master’s degree is a challenging thing to do. Apart from regular assignments, papers, and research work, there is a dissertation proposal that you need to submit. Ph.D. students need to present well-documented research and thesis to prove their mettle. They have to study extra hard and remain focused.

Ph.D. students need to spend a lot of time finding the right topic and then researching it. To write the perfect research proposal, they need to find relevant details, information, and literature review. Take a look at the different dissertation topics in criminology to understand the subject better.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder makes criminals. Discuss reasons why trauma affects the mental health, which leads to crime
  • The impact of mental health problems on a person’s behavior
  • Mob violence – The causes and reasons for mob lynching and its harmful effects on society
  • What makes a criminal? Explore the reasons for behavioral changes at a young age that make a criminal
  • The part of rehabilitation centers in curbing crime rates, cases of domestic violence, and rape
  • What is cybercrime, and how is it punishable by law?
  • Should there be a death penalty for juvenile delinquents?
  • Studying the criminal mind. What motivates someone to commit acts of crime?
  • Effective methods are used to protect testimony and the account of eyewitnesses.
  • How does prejudice motivate violence?
  • How is sexual violence used as a weapon of armed conflict?
  • Efficient methods and ways of dealing with societal issues, crimes, and disorders
  • Giving rights to women and fighting domestic violence
  • Reporting rape cases and methods of investigation
  • Investigative strategies to find the murderer
  • Giving prisoners the right to vote
  • How does interrogation of police officers work?
  • How does corruption affect the social fabric of society?
  • Police encounter – how effective it is to instantly curb terrorism

Argumentative Criminology Dissertation Ideas

You can also present your argumentative views and suggestions in your thesis. Instead of highlighting only specific elements, you must give arguments in your research paper. If you like to provide valid points of view in your research paper, choose an argumentative topic. When you select a contentious issue, you can quickly write a thesis paper on the given topic. Ensure that the thesis you write has detailed research and relevant information.

You should present the argument in a coherent and precise manner. The thesis statement must be well-executed.

There should be enough points in your thesis to back up your opinion. If you are not very convinced about your take on the subject, you won’t be able to do justice to the subject.

  • Is unemployment causing a rise in crime rates in underdeveloped third world countries?
  • The contribution of college dropouts to crime cases
  • Abuse of the senior citizens and the elderly in nursing homes
  • Violence and torture of young children
  • Mob violence and how it is punishable by law
  • Issues of dealing with victims of drug abuse
  • Policing against activism and protests
  • Racial discrimination and gender disparity among prisoners
  • Women protection in a prison cell
  • Cases of violence, rape, and violation of women’s rights in a prison cell – Explore different topics and suggest ways for improvement.
  • Finding fraudulent practices and punishing them by law

Criminal Psychology Dissertation Topics

Students of criminology can also pick up a topic related to psychology. A criminal becomes one when he faces injustice, and he is not happy and contented with his life. Other driving forces and reasons trigger violence and criminality in an individual. People who want to pursue a degree in criminal psychology need to present a thesis and dissertation on the subject. You can find a wide array of criminal dissertation topics on the subject.

  • Role of journalism and mass media in fighting crime cases
  • Should public TV air cases of crime? Does it instigate or condemn crime?
  • The psychology of a serial killer
  • Schizophrenic patients and their crimes
  • The impact on the mental health of children whose parent is a convict
  • The effect on the mental health of a criminal
  • Child sexual abuse – Attitudes and an approach towards behavioral changes
  • A detailed report on mental disorders and criminal activity
  • Does the history of sexual abuse trigger acts of violence in grown-up adults? Explore all factors and the psychological well-being of children suffering from sexual abuse at a tender age
  • Impact of domestic violence on young children

Ethnicity Dissertation Ideas

Ethnic violence can lead to riots in society. People commit mob lynching when ethnic riots break out. It is essential to study the criminal mind behind ethnicity. Racism and feeling privileged are at the core of race. It defines the characteristics of the people who commit crimes. It showcases how people feel and exhibit a criminal mindset. Ethnicity drives criminal attitudes, and it triggers mob violence. As a Master’s and Ph.D. student, you should select the topic of ethnicity in criminology only if you feel strongly about it. There are many topics available on the subject. You can write on various criminology dissertation topics and explore different ideas.

  • Cybercrime and increased cases of ethnicity
  • Police torture African Americans in prisons
  • Mob violence against racism and ethnicity
  • Cases of protest and activism on color and creed
  • Ethnic violence and riots
  • Ethno-political exclusion and riots in Africa

Activism and Riots Dissertation Ideas

People protesting on the streets and mobilizing others to join the cause can sometimes lead to mob violence and riots. It can cause unnecessary harm to the property and personal belongings of people. Sloganeering and holding placards are one thing but going all out and burning cars and fuel pumps can initiate violence and disruption in the society. It is an act punishable by law.

There are various reasons for mob violence. Criminologists study a crime that is punishable through the government’s legal system. It is governed by regulations, legal processes, and statuses. Criminal justice can be brought when you have adequate evidence against the act of mob violence. You can gather evidence for the crime, make arrests, bring the matter to the courts, conduct trials and punish the perpetrators. It is interesting to see how mob violence can turn into violent street crime. When a mob is angry, anything can happen. Police use tear gas to disperse large gatherings to avoid committing any crime or offense that is punishable by law. Here are some of the criminology dissertation topics you must explore before submitting your proposal.

  • Does social activism lead to riots? Explain it with relevant examples
  • What causes mob lynching incidents? Explore various reasons for mob violence and how it affects people and drives them?
  • Is prison punishment justified for several people involved in mob violence?
  • Converting the hostile spirit of a mob into a positive one
  • The Black Lives Matter social movement and its implications in the United States of America
  • A thin line between activism and riots
  • Right of police to use weapons and tear gas on a mass of people or in a large gathering
  • How to disperse a large gathering using peaceful and effective strategies?
  • Curbing mob violence through street art
  • The limit of social activism and its boundaries
  • Methods for preventing street crimes

These are some of the criminology dissertation ideas you should consider for your thesis. We hope now writing an idea will be an easy task. Pick and choose a topic that you feel confident about. Make sure the thesis topic you select is unique and innovative. These topics will help you craft an outstanding thesis in no time! Happy writing!

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