Accounting Dissertation Topics

An accounting dissertation is a requirement most students struggle with. It requires you to have extensive knowledge about accounting concepts and prove your writing skills. If you are a beginner and do not know where to start, you are in the right place.

Management Accounting Dissertation Topics

Topics covered in management account are nothing like the ones in financial accounting. However, students often struggle to differentiate between the two. The main difference lies in the managerial aspect associated with the former type. It studies the causal relationships between various elements in the field. Understanding and having a firm grip on accounting management concepts can help make effective decision-making within an organization. Being a major in accounting, this branch is highly relevant, especially in an era like this, where without achieving efficiency, surviving in the saturated market is next to impossible. There is also an option to avail of professional help with your dissertation. Nevertheless, if you are doing it yourself and are still confused regarding the direction to take, the list of accounting topics for research below is intended to provide you with clarity. Let’s look at them one by one:

  • How can risk be analyzed, measured, and reduced in project accounting?
  • Evaluation of activity-based costing as the method to enhance the value of a project
  • How do strategic accounting management practices vary from developed to developing countries?
  • The future potential of strategic management in multinational companies
  • Comparison of a balanced scorecard approach used in accounting management vs Performance appraisal?
  • Cost-benefit analysis of using cost accounting in the oil sector of an emerging economy
  • The role of banks in managing the accounting risk associated with business expansion
  • Evaluation of correlation between accounting management and performance management in the railway sector
  • Risk management system in the agricultural sector of a developing country like India
  • How can budgeting and accounting management be used as a tool by HR to enhance employee morale?

Accounting And Finance Dissertation Topics

Selecting a specific area for your dissertation topics in an accounting dissertation can be daunting because of the wide variety of topics that you can choose from. Ethics can be a great topic to work on, or maybe investment finance. Whatever you end up finalizing should allow you to learn while being interesting for your supervisor. After all, he will be the final judge of the hard work that you will put in. The options for dissertation topics for accounting and finance mentioned below blend both. Getting a good grade has become one step easier. Let’s look at them:

  • How has health financing changed during COVID-19?
  • The changes in the role of the world bank during the pandemic
  • How has digital currency changed the financial markets?
  • The effect of monetary and fiscal policies on an economy at large?
  • What factors affect the FDI of a nation?
  • How has Brexit impacted the economic growth of different countries?
  • The increasing popularity of microfinancing in developing countries
  • How has commercial banking changed the financial standing of countries?
  • The evolution of investment banking and its consequences for governments all across the globe
  • How does transparency in information dissemination affect the share price index?

Auditing Dissertation Topics

Auditing is an integral aspect of the field and an inevitable component of studying to become an accounting major. A financial audit is a set of investigative processes set in place to ensure that the organization is conducting business in compliance with the set criteria. Financial statements are thoroughly analyzed and evaluated to identify any potential errors in the calculations. Depending on the mistake caught, an organization or even an individual can be held liable and face serious consequences. It is why as an accounting major, you need to be fully prepared regarding all the rules and regulations governing the corporate sector. Below mentioned are a few ideal accounting dissertation topics you can use:

  • How has fraud detection software changed the risk management system for organizations?
  • How do continuous auditing and monitoring impact organizational functioning?
  • Evaluation of some of the most controversial auditing scandals all around the world
  • Internal auditing vs external auditing. A cost-benefit analysis
  • How do audit disclosures differ in a developing economy from a developed one?
  • Should auditing standards be globalized?
  • How have digital advancements changed auditing practices?
  • The correlation between auditing and financial performance of organizations.
  • The efficiency and effectiveness of public sector auditing
  • The consequences of being involved in unethical practices and how they vary from country to country?
  • Are different types of auditing services being provided by private auditing consultants?

Tax Accounting Dissertation Topics

Finding the right topic is the first step toward a well-constructed essay. How can getting it wrong affect your progress? It is rather challenging to find a topic that already hasn’t been overused by scholars for their research purposes. On the contrary, a completely new topic will not be easy either due to the lack of online content. The technique is it find the right mix.

Furthermore, you will be investing a considerable amount of time in the dissertation. Why waste it by selecting a topic that will require you to go back to the drawing board? If you are an accounting major, studying taxation is a given. Writing a dissertation paper on it might be a wise idea if you find it interesting. It is not as monotonous and can help you learn its effects on the economy regardless of being direct or indirect. What can be some great topics to start from, you ask? Here’s a bunch of accounting dissertation topics ideas that can make you cruise through the selection process effortlessly:

  • The role of taxation in ensuring equal distribution of wealth among poor and rich
  • How can a well-developed taxation system contribute to the economic growth of an emerging country like Bangladesh?
  • How has alternative minimum tax eased the tax collection process?
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of international tax treaties
  • What are the consequences of tax evasion and avoidance?
  • The influence of income tax on small enterprises and startups
  • How can a fair taxation system be designed for the freelancing sector?
  • How do health insurance tax policies vary across the globe?
  • An analysis of taxpayer rights and their implications on the economy
  • Is the imposition of a progressive tax the right decision in a developed country?

Top Accounting Dissertation Topics 2022

If you are generally interested in the field of accounting, there is a vast for it of interesting topics that you can choose from. While deciding on a topic, ensure that the issue you are going with a substantial amount of research material is present on the internet to back up what you have claimed. Do not choose a topic on which a lot of research has been done already. If you are writing a dissertation in 2022 for your accounting project, you can find several exciting issues to start with. Here are just a few to get you started:

  • How has the electronic accounting system changed the contemporary business environment?
  • What are the main methods of depreciating land in accounting?
  • To what extent can accounting damage business operations
  • What is contribution margin and its significance in the field of accounting
  • What capital raising methods are the most effective for an online startup business
  • How can liquidity levels be monitored using different financial accounting tools?
  • The major determinants when it comes to the valuation of a merger
  • How reliable are financial ratios for predicting the bankruptcy of a company?
  • Is the role of Management accounting different from financial accounting?
  • What are the main issues companies have faced from a financial standpoint after the pandemic?

Dividend Accounting Dissertation Topics

For company finance, establishing a strategic dividend policy is one of the most crucial decisions that one needs to make. It proves the company’s financial strength and its valuation and is also responsible for creating Goodwill among various stakeholders of the business. It also becomes a driving force for the demand for the stocks of the company

  • The impact of dividend policy on the ownership structure of a company
  • How is price volatilization impacted by the dividend policy of an economy
  • The role of a manager’s perception when it comes to the dividend policy of the company
  • What are the key determinants of a dividend policy in an emerging economy?
  • In what way is the firm valuation affected by the dividend policy
  • The role of a strategically thought-out dividend policy toward attracting valuable shareholders
  • What types of shares are the most beneficial to invest in?
  • How do dividends retain shareholders for a long period?
  • What are some great strategies a business can use for dividend distribution?
  • How are a company’s financial performance and its dividend policy associated?
  • How does a dividend policy affect the stock price of the company?

E-Accounting Dissertation Topics

Digitalization is the future. It has already disrupted markets and sectors, and its application is expanding with time. The accounting field is no longer foreign to it either. Just like e-mail is an improved replacement of the conventional mail system, e-accounting refers to electronic accounting, referring to the online application of internet technology to traceable, lawful, and accountable processes previously done manually. Not only has the disruption reduced the probability of errors, but it saves a considerable amount of time and cost and makes auditing and transfer of information easier. Writing a dissertation on e-accounting can add immense value to your knowledge and also be helpful when stepping into the corporate world due to its widespread implementation and demand. What aspects can become good potential for dissertation topics? Here are a few:

  • What are some potential challenges of incorporating an e-accounting system into a business model?
  • How has e-accounting changed the financial game of the organizations and the management?
  • Is there a correlation between organizational performance and implementation of e-accounting?
  • The contribution of e-accounting to the economy of a developed nation
  • Should e-accounting completely replace the traditional accounting processes?
  • Analysis of tools and methodologies currently being utilized in the field of e-accounting?
  • How does e-accounting contribute to the cost structure of an organization
  • Does switching to e-accounting mean an increase in unemployment?
  • The technical knowledge required to smoothly shift to an online accounting system
  • What training methods can be effective for an effortless transition towards an electronic accounting system?
  • How is online fraud accompanying the growth of E-accounting?

Bookkeeping Accounting Dissertation Topics

Bookkeeping is an accountant’s responsibility to officially record all the financial transactions being taken place in an organization. The skills required for this are analyzing, classifying, and interpreting the summaries of financial data. Being one of the primary concepts of accounting, bookkeeping can be an excellent topic for your dissertation. Nonetheless, you need to have substantial knowledge to pull it off. If you successfully manage to do that, nobody can stop you from scoring an A. Looking for informative ideas to start working on? Here are a few forensic accounting dissertation topics to choose from:

  • How does asset and liability management help the banking sector?
  • How is single and double-entry bookkeeping different from the electronic systems now in place?
  • The role of bookkeeping in ensuring compliance with the ethical code of conduct
  • The role of bookkeeping to maintain integrity in the healthcare sector
  • How can human error in bookkeeping be reduced?
  • What are the standard rules and regulations being followed while bookkeeping indifferent parts of the world?
  • Effects on recruitment policies while shifting from traditional bookkeeping to electronic bookkeeping.

In most cases, students struggle with an accounting dissertation; if you are too, it’s perfectly fine. Consider the guide above as your starting point. Select a topic that sits well with your interests. Do thorough research and practice, stay in touch with your supervisor throughout, and you will be all set to go.

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